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(Remember everyone is human again)- a time skip of five years-

"Sans did you put Skia to bed?"I asked walking into the living room

They where both sleeping together

"My cute Angels"
I wispered picking up our little three year old daughter and bringing her to bed
"Sans wake up"I said shaking him awake

"Sorry"he said rubbing his eyes and getting up

"Did you make the cookies and put out the milk mommy?"it was Skias tiny voice

I smiled"yes deary now go back to bed or Santa won't come!"
Skia nodded and walked upstairs

"She is an amazing kid, I mean she already knows how to talk"sans said putting his arm around you

"I'm glad she is our kid, now we have to put our presents to her out"I wispered to him walking to our room and getting her present

You heared a whimper from upstairs sans teleported up as you ran
"Skia!?" You wispered

Sans was holding her
"What's the matter?"you asked

"She said there is a monster under her bed"

You giggles"and did you take it as a insult?"

"Well kinda"he smiled rocking her to sleep as you checked upset the bed

"There is noth-"
Your smile faded
"Papyrus get out of there"

"but I must protect the small child!"he wispered loudly

"Thats our job" sans said walking out of the room

I grabbed papyrus' ear

I pulled papyrus out of the room

"You have Impact to take care of pap, go back home"

Papyrus nods sadly and walks out

"Your ok Skia go back to bed" I wispered quietly patting her head and then walking downstairs into Sans and my bedroom sans was sleeping so I crawled up next to him and he put his arms around you, he was warm

"Goodnight dear" sans wispered
"Goodnight sans"I said falling into a deep sleep

When I woke up Skia was in the middle of me and sans, she must have had a nightmare

I looked at her pale skin and white
(h/l)hair that faded into (h/c)

"It's cristmas" I lightly wispered and sans woke up smiling
"Mommy did Santa come?"it was Skias tiny voice

"Yes dear I'm sure he has"i lightly patted her head and got up into the living room it had presents all over

"He came mommy!"

I laughed a bit sans sat down on the couch as Skia searched for her presents giving us ours if she could them

"Mommy this one has holes in it"

I just smiled

"Want to open that one first?"I asked and Skia nodded happily

She slowly started taking off the wrapping paper and took off the top and she looked inside her eyes widening

"What is it?"sans asked

"It's a puppy!!!"Skia said existed

"I found her a few days ago and asked Napstablook to take care of them until tonight"I said smiling

"What will you name it?"sans asked as Skia took the puppy out

It had bright blue eyes and white fur


"Snow? Why snow?"

"Because her eyes are like water and coat is like snow and cold water is snow!"

"Very observant"sans wispered to himself

-after opening the presents-

Skia loved everything she got and desided to go play in the snow with Snow she only ever needed a sweatshirt and pants to be warm outside,the same with sans but I wouldn't be surprised because sans lived in Snowdin most, well all of his life

Then papyrus,Mettaton,and Impact came with the dog they got it was a black doge with pink eyes that looked a lot like snow

-five hours later because I Wat to get this out to y'all-

The sun was setting and Impact and Skia where getting tired

"It was nice to see you guys!"Mettaton said then them walking away win a sleeping Impact in there arms and you took in Skia

"There good friends huh"sans said quietly behind me

"Yeah" I walked upstairs wilst sans got ready for bed

"Goodnight angel"I wispered to Skia kissing her forhead and walking downstairs to cuddle up with sans

Hey guys sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas and/or it's like fall for u

One last dance sequel to I love it when I'm dancingWhere stories live. Discover now