Zen's Lyfe

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Once there was a boy named zen who lived in a small town. Zen liked to look for cow dung out in the fields. He found the smell refreshing and it always cured his head aches, colds and sicknesses. Although he found da dung, zen could never find any cows.

One day zen had a head ache from yelling at da chikens 4 not laying da daily scrabbled eggs. Zen's head was going THUMP THUMP THUMP!!!!!!! So he went to look for da cow dung to cure his head ache. Zen hovered over da fields like yoda and reached da riva. Zen walked over da riva without getting wet and found himself in cow dung park. He took jar and shovel and started to scoop cow dung. Zen smell da cow dung and yelled "NO!!". It wasn't da right cow dung for zen. Zen needed da fresh froot smellin dung. Zen went to da naybaars house and found da fresh dung in da yard. He hover up da stair onto da front porch and ding dong da bell. Den da old ladie came out with her fansy golden hat on.

"Eskweese me, can I pls hav yor fresh dung on yo front yard?" Zen asked to ladie.

"Take da dung, yu probablie use more dan me do for just me gardin" tha old ladie sed.

"Tank you very much old ladie" Zen sed to old woman.

"No problem Zen" old ladie sed.

"How u kno my name!!!!??." Zen yelled in her face.

"You famous!!!!!" She yell.

Zen took da shovel and jar to pick up da dung. Zen was confused about wat da lady sed to Zen. She gonna kookoo he thawt.

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