Chapter 6

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     "You bastard," Lucy spat out as Roland walked into the room, "Leading him on like that." Before Roland had left last night he told her of his plan to give Wyatt hope of finding her. He went into detail how he set up the whole scheme. He played Wyatt, gave him hope and crushed it soon after.

     He smirked at her and took a swig from his beer, "Oh sweetheart, this is simply apart of the plan."

    She glared at him before leaning her head back. She needed to find a way out of this chair, out of this house. Before she had a chance to think of a plan Roland leaned closer to her, beer lingering on his breath.

   "What are you thinking about in that pretty little head," he slurred out. She didn't know how many drinks he had but she was not amused. She leaned as far back as she could trying not to tip the chair.

   "How can you sleep at night knowing you killed a women and kidnapped one," Lucy breathed out as he backed away from her. He shrugged and took another sip. Lucy was officially disgusted by this man. Roland stumbled to the door without another word.

    Lucy sighed and began to struggle against the bonds once more. Maybe I can break the chair, she thought. Lucy began to put pressure on the chair. She jumped in her seat when pressure didn't work. It took only a few tries before the chair broke beneath her.

    "Yes," she mumbled under her breath. Now she just needed to get her hands in front of her. Before she had the chance Roland barged into the room, a beer bottle still in his hand.

    "What are you doing," he said raising his voice, sobering up the slightest bit. Lucy froze, she was surrounded by bits of the wooden chair. Roland seemed to take notice and set the bottle on the floor. He walked over to her and began to lift her by her arms.

    "No, no! Put me down," Lucy shouted flailing in his grasp. He worn a stern face as he shoved her back on the ground again.

   "I'll be back," he muttered leaving. Lucy breathing quickened and she tried to move towards the door he left open. Roland came back in a hurry carrying a metal chair and coils of rope. He slammed the door and placed the chair in the middle of the room and throwing the ropes next to it.

   "Come here," he grunted grabbing her arms again and hauling her to the chair.

   "No, let me go," Lucy muttered tugging against him. To no avail he pushed her down in the chair. Roland tore the ropes around her legs off tossing them to the side with the other coils. He picked up a new rope and tied her torso to the chair. Her hands were still tied and tucked behind her. Then he tied her legs to the chair once again.

    "There," he sighed, "Now you won't get away." He went back over the the beer bottle he set down and picked it up. Another swig.

    "What will you gain from this," Lucy questioned him. Her heart was beating faster as he stepped closer to her.

   Another swig, "The satisfaction that I avenged my brothers death. He didn't deserve to die. What's worse is that Wyatt Logan survived." He spit out Wyatt's name like it was poison. Lucy continued to glare at him. "When I take away everything that bastard cares about it'll show him that dying along side my brother would have been better."

    Lucy gasped the slightest, "You monster. What kind of person takes away's everything someone cares about? And for what? Your brother won't come back and I bet he would be so disappointed-"

   Lucy was cut off by Roland's hand grabbing her throat. She struggled for breath as he squeezed his hand tighter. Her vision began to turn black before he released his grip muttering to himself.

    "You know nothing of my brother. You'd be dead right now if you weren't bait for Wyatt," he yelled angrily before leaving the room. She heard the door lock and she let a single tear roll down her face. Bait, she was bait for Wyatt's misery.

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