Chapter 14

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"ALRIGHT EVERYONE, LISTEN UP!!" A voice yelled from the castle podium, cutting conversations short. "It's King Berryjam here...." "What does he want?" Graser said, clearly frustrated. The King continued on, "Very special royal announcement stuff going down so get over here all of you. Yeah that's right, all of you! Yeah I see you, get over here...." He pointed towards the person lingering at the far back of the crowd. "Fine, I'm coming..." I Dfield muttered, strolling up next to Poke, Joe, Will, and Graser. Everyone turned to face the King, giving him utmost respect. Once he noticed he had everyone's attention, he began speaking again. "The queen has decided among herself that this kingdom needs a change..." Poke glanced towards Joe, who gave him a nervous-yet-attempting-to-be-reassuring smile. They were clearly both worried. The whole crowd was confused at the accusation. "While I agree that we need some new changes, I disagree that she should be the sole ruler of this land..." There were gasps from most people in the crowd. Nobody believed that the Queen would try anything like that. Poke shuddered, turning towards Joe for emotional support. "I'm scared, I don't know what's going to happen." Poke mouthed to Joe, who nodded. They both quickly turned their attention back to Straub, as he continued speaking.

"This kingdom should be a democracy and everyone's opinion should matter..." As the King was speaking, footsteps were heard running towards the podium. "Wait!" A feminine voice yelled, "That's not what I said at all!" The voice came from the Queen. Many people diverted their attention from the King to her, eager to hear what she was going to say. Unfortunately, as she was about to speak, the King pushed her away and raised his voice, drowning out her words. "If you think that the kingdom is great the way it is and the way it has been, everyone follow me this way!" He yelled, walking off of the podium and towards the statue of himself in the courtyard. Confused with what had happened, everyone started to follow him. "Wait!" The Queen yelled once again. Everyone stopped and turned to face the podium that she was now standing in front of. "That's not what I meant all! No, no, no, no...." She began speaking, clearly choking back tears. "You've all got it so wrong...." The people went soft, because they loved their Queen and hated seeing her sad. They were all listening now. The Queen swallowed hard, brushing away her tears. "All I meant was that we need a little bit of change of direction in order to make the kingdom flourish again," she said to the crowd, in a calm and soothing voice. "I feel like I can do that." She smiled at everyone, then glanced towards the King. "I'm going to put it this way, if you feel like the kingdom is perfect already go with Straub. If you're looking to improve everything, follow me." She exited the podium, walking towards her statue. The citizens were left in the middle of the courtyard, puzzled. They had been left with a choice, and their futures were left hanging over their own heads. They all had one question hanging in their minds, drifting through the silence. Whose side will YOU choose?

Author's note: Thank you for 1.4K reads! <3

Question of the Day: If you were one of the citizens in this scenario, which side would you choose (you have to choose one!!)? COMMENT DOWN BELOW!!
*My Answer: Team Bee. I love them both, but Bee is my QUEEN!*

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