Truth or Dare

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Taehyung's hands were stuffed in his pockets, and he licked his lips nervously. "I've been thinking about going to that club-"

"No," his best friend, Minah interrupted. "Absolutely not. You know if you're caught going someplace like that you'll be expelled from school! Places like that just... aren't meant for people like us."

Taehyung sighed. The prestigious school they went to didn't permit punk-like places that Taehyung had heard about. This particular club had live bands, and anyone who played there was officially named a somebody. Bands would get discovered, people would be casted, and so much more.

People there smoked and had tattooes. The music was rock and roll with electric guitars and upbeat music. The lyrics weren't about love, but rather about anything else. People wore masks to hide their identity, and it was the place of drinking and dance battles. It was unlike any other place around where they lived.

Just recently Taehyung found out where it was hosted, not to mention the password. It was an underground club, so it wasn't like they could reveal their whereabouts to just anybody. The kids at Taehyung's school certainly whispered about it, but jutted their noses up at the idea, scoffing at how immature and unsophisticated all of it was.

Their school expelled you if you dared touch something that wasn't a piano or violin, so even appearing someplace like that wasn't a good idea.

And if anyone could tell Taehyung about what a bad idea it was, it was Kim Minah.

Kim Minah was Taehyung's best friend for over ten years. With her dark hair always elaborately braided and kept in a tight blood, it was a wonder if any blood circulation got to her brain. In fact, now that Taehyung thought about it, he couldn't recall a single time he's seen her in any other hairstyle, not even with her hair down. She never wore makeup- mostly because it was banned at their school- and ever since they had to begin more rigorous studying she's never had time to hang out with him outside of school. She'd always claim she was busy studying, and knowing how strict her parents were, Taehyung didn't doubt her.

Still, he desperately wanted to go to places like that, where even boys wore heavy eyeliner, but Minah would never allow him to do such a thing.

"Minnie-ah," Taehyung began, using her childhood nickname. "I'm sure we won't get into too much trouble."

"We?" Minah looked at him with wide eyes. "Oh no, Kim Taehyung, no way in hell am I going with you to some trashy place like that! And you shouldn't either!"

"How would they find out if we aren't caught? Besides, you can keep me out of trouble," Taehyung insisted.

"To keep you out of trouble, I won't permit you to step foot in a place like that," Minah countered. "And you aren't going."

Taehyung's brows furrowed. "Why not?"

"Because... Because I'll tell them," Minah crossed her arms. "I'll tell the principal."

"You wouldn't." Taehyung narrowed his eyes.

"I'm the most honest person you know, Taehyung," Minah said, scrunching up her nose. "Now promise me you won't go."

"Fine," Taehyung grumbled. "I won't go." Man, was his best friend a stick in the mud.

Minah let out a sigh of relief, shaking her head. "Good. Don't bring it up ever again. I don't want you so much as thinking about that."

But let's just say, Taehyung did much more than just think about it. Later that night, he successfully snuck into the place.

It was everything it promised to be. Punk music, racy behavior, smoking, wine, and more. Taehyung felt a bit out of place as he walked through, but he ordered a wine he was familiar with, being the classy type, and sat down to watch a live performance.

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