Chapter Seventeen

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*The Next Morning - Caleb’s POV*

I was jolted awake when I heard rustling in the bushes to my right. I jumped up and growled. A low, deep rumble of laughter echoed in my head. Out from the bushes walked Brian, Brian Cane, my father’s old friend and my new enemy.

What do you want? I growled.

Caleb, I won’t even try to fight you. You’re weak. You have no mate, he chuckled.

Shut the fuck up before I slit your throat!

Good luck with that, buddy boy. Without her, you’re nothing and guess what? We’re coming to take over. I WILL be Alpha of your pack. No teenager is going to take over your father’s position. We deserve better than you and that is what I am, he said.

I scoffed. You only wish you were better than me. You’re just jealous that as Beta, you didn’t get to take over. You’re angry that right before my father died, he picked me to be Alpha.

He growled loudly and jumped closer. Don’t mess with me, Caleb. I’ve warned you. You and your pack better watch out, because we’re coming. And you better protect those pretty little mates of yours. We don’t want any accidents happening, now do we?

With that last sentence, he took off into the woods, leaving me trembling with anger. What the hell was I going to do now? If I didn’t finish the mating process with my mate before this war, I was going to be weak. Most importantly, how was I going to protect her? How were all of us going to protect our mates? They’re only humans! They’re defenseless against werewolves.

I growled and bounded to the house. I let out a howl, waking the entire household, although it was 4 o’clock in the morning. They knew that it meant business if I was calling a meeting this early.

The men came down the stairs at lightning speed. My brother was by my side in an instant.

“What’s going on Alpha Caleb?” one of the older males asked.

“We need to prepare for war. The rogue group is going to come and attack. They want control of this pack,” I said. “All of the men here need to protect their mates and children. You all should be prepared to fight also. I will personally pick some males to stay back here at the time of war to protect the women and children in case of any breach of security.”

“What about you Alpha? Are you going to fight?” someone else asked me.

“I have to. I need to protect my pack and it’s my duty to do so,” I answered.

“Are you strong enough? Have you mated?” one of my father’s old friends asked. I was so glad we still had some of the old timers here.

“I have not mated yet.”

The room erupted in conversation.

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