Try to smile. For me. Why? Because sometimes I can't do that. But you can! I know you are feeling unhappy. But,some were,over this darkness and sadness,is a light. And it's not a train coming. It's the pure happiness that you deserve.
Depression,emo quotes
RandomAceasta carte este pentru toti care suferă de depresie,anxietate,schizofrenie...Orice boala mentala. Eu,sunt aici pentru tine. Dacă te simți la pământ,poți să-mi scrii iar eu nu o sa te judec,ci o sa încerc sa te ajut. Te iubesc!
Try to smile. For me. Why? Because sometimes I can't do that. But you can! I know you are feeling unhappy. But,some were,over this darkness and sadness,is a light. And it's not a train coming. It's the pure happiness that you deserve.