The Fall

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"Frisk are you sure its ok up here?" Me and my friend were climbing up Mt. Ebbot. I know its stupid we talked about that but we went anyways... and climbing up that mountain was a mistake.

"Ya i'm sure its ok i mean only about 6 or 7 children went lost up here haha!" I tried to joke a little so he would calm down.

"Frisk! i'm not joking! I-I don't want you or me to get hurt!" He replied to me

"Hey Tyler it's ok if anything I'll..." I tried to think of something to say. "I'll be ok lets go." We kept walking till we came to a huge hole.

"Wonder whats down there huh?" He looked over the edge with me.

"Ya... are those.... butter cups.. like the flower?" I ask him. He try's to lean closer.

"Ya it Looks like it I wonder why butter cups are down there." I looked under him.

"Tyler! watch out!" he falls down into the hole yelling my name.

"Frisk!!!! Help!!!" I was useless I couldn't do anything. I see him hit the flowers he stopped moving he stopped screaming.

"Tyler!? oh god he isn't ok!" I looked for a way down so I didn't get hurt

"Now lets see... ah!" I look at a part to were I could jump and not get hurt. it would'nt be the whole way down tho I could maybe jump to that part then to the flowers ok.

"Lets hope this works!" I jump down to the part were I could but I did'nt know this would happen.

"Woah!?!" I was up on the cold wall of this cave like hole before I fell into the flowers.

"ugh.... Tyler..?" I look next to me to see Tyler.

"Tyler!" I move closer or at least tried to move closer I felt weak.

"Tyler... I'm sorry you fell i'm sorry we even went up here... are you even alive if you are make a signal!" He still didn't move. i knew he didn't survive the fall and it was my fault.

"Tyler I swear I'll kill anything down here for you! They killed you!" I yelled. I put my hands on the ground and pushed myself up and stood up.

"Kill anything down here hehe I could help with that little girl!" I looked around trying to find something or someone who had to be the one talking to me.

"Who is talking show yourself! Also I would like if you called me Frisk and i'm not a girl... Call me Frisk, They, or Them!" I hated when people called me little boy or little girl. I liked being called them or they or even just my name.

"I'm Chara and you woke me up." I look to see a person floating in frount of me.

"Hello Chara... if I woke you why are you bothering me?" I just wanted to get back up really I didn't want to deal with other people right now

" You wont be dealing with people if that is what you hope Frisk you will deal with monster my family. I feel the same anger you do to have your best friend killed in frount of you. I can help you kill them. the ones you said killed "Tyler" I could help you murder them like you wanted!" I was mad and I did say I would murder the people down here.

"Take my hand and I'll help you it will be my deal with you!" Chara puts out their hand for me to shake.

" So you will help.. me? Revenge my friend?" I asked before I made this stupid deal Iwanted to make sure that they were telling the truth.

" Yes i will help you kill everything down here for revenge of you best friend and after that we will return to the surface." Chara didn't say anything else after that so I took their hand shaking it.

"Ok now let's get this show on the road shall we!" We began to walk and left Tyler there.

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