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D: Phil!!

D: philly!

D: come on answer phil

(Dan texting Phil 20 times)

D:phil.......y dont u answer me. R u mad at me?? Philly!

P: oh hey dan

D: y r u not answering my text. R u mad at me??

P: oh sorry i didnt answered ur text a while ago and im not mad at u

P: i was making a video and im playing a scray game. Maybe i didnt heard my phone rang because i kept on screaming, sorry😉

D:oh im sorry
So i was thinking if u want to make a colab with me tomorrow

P: let me see first if i have things to do tomorrow

(3 minutes later)

D: phil?!?!

P: i think i can make a colab with u tomorrow what time?

D: any time u want

P: are u free at 9:00 am?

D: sure

P: so... wut are u gonna do in ur colab?

D: i was thinking we could do....singing impressions. Is that fine with u

P: of course little dino

D: hahaha.... I love it when u say that

P: oh!! I was planning if u want to go out for a lunch.

D: sure lion

           (After 5 hours of chatting)

D: *laughs* philly I just wanted u to know that I love u as a friend (ILUAAF)

P: ILUAAF too. Gosh its already 12 noon we gotta get ready for our lunch

D: yah

P: I'll pick u up in 2 minutes

D: take care

P: u to friend

                 ( 2 minutes had past)

P: pssst....danny open the door I don't wanna ring the bell

D: ughh.....ur such a lazy lion

P: hi meme

D: woah phil u look fancy

P: i know right thank u!! Woah woah dont bring ur money anymore this is my treat for u

D: oh u sure with that! Ok

P: lets go now it might be traffic

                  (Went inside the car)


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