Chapter 37: Labor

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Chapter 37: Labor
Alexis POV

I woke up this morning to a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Harry can you wake up?" I asked.

"Yeah what's wrong babe?" He asked

"I'm in labor." I said.

He got all my stuff packed and we went to the hospital.

"Want the epidural?" The doctor asked.

"No." I said.

A few hours went by and labor hit hard. I was kicking and screaming asking God for mercy. Harry was trying to keep me calm but it wasn't working. Khloe is watching Darcy while Shala is coming down. Kendall came as well. They all tried comforting me. Then the doctor came in and said that its time to push.

"10, 987654321 push!" They all said.

"Okay again 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1" I did about twenty of those then Aiden was born. Aiden Francis. Last name is to be determined later.

Aw Maury part is tonight or tomorrow xx

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