Sneak peak

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I walk into the dark testing room, only lit by the single lamp on the desk. I take a seat, open the test packet labeled "your assignment", and answer the first question; do you think with your head or your heart? Easy, my head. Partially because your heart can't think because it has no brain, but that is beside the point. After about 6 more hours I have finally completed all 2000 questions head to my parent's clockwork shop.

       As I enter the shop my ears are flooded with the beautiful harmony of ticking. Clocks are covering every inch of wall space.
"Hello Mère, hello Père." I called in my usual soft saccharine tone.
"Hello, Clairene" Père chimed from the upstairs showroom " Monsieur jaq las left his pocket watch behind the counter once again it is in need of repair. Can you fix it and return it to him s'il vous plaît.
"Of course Père" I walk behind the shop counter and started fixing Monsieur Jaq's watch, as usual, his watch was not actually broken he had just forgotten to wind it (Monsieur Jaq is an old hat maker with a bad memory). So, I set it to the right time and started on my way down the wide cobblestone road to Jaq's hats; the best hat shop in all of Paris. It took about 10 minutes to the hat shop. I entered to see Ceta, Jaq's apprentice, sitting at the counter polishing hats
"I Jaq here I fixed his pocket watch?" I asked cheerfully.
" I sorry maî@tre Jaq has just gone to Maurice's for a snack. I can give it to you when he gets back if you like?"
" That's quite alright I was going to stop by for a Éclair au chocolat once I was done here. I can give it to him then. May the rest of your day be as wonderful and marvelous as the color of dawn. " I twittered
"Au Revoir Clairene" Citadel smiled. I arrived at Maurice's in a matter of minutes and as expected.

I enter Maurice's bakery, I am immediately greeted by the sweet smell of fresh pastries and a stray cat that he took in named Chello. I walk up to the counter and I am greeted by Audra Maurice's daughter, "Bonjour Clairene" 

"Bonjour Audra may I please have an Éclair au chocolat and a cup of coffee."

"Of course. that will be four euros." I gave her 4 euros and went to talk to Monsieur Jaq.

"Hello Monsieur Jaq, I fixed your watch," I say after we have finished with our fait la bise.

"oh Je vous remercie. What was wrong with it?"

"You forgot to wind it." I chuckled.

"Dear me, I'm sorry to waste your time. How much do I owe you?"

"No charge."

"Your so sweet. At least sit with me while you have your coffee."

"of course. " I smiled.

A few moments later Audra walks over with my coffee and  Éclair.

"Merci Audra."

"Anytime Clairene." Audra says cheerily as she walks away.

"Hey, I heard you took your test today. what job do you think you will get?" monsieur Jaq asks as I  add 2 tablespoons of sugar and a small pour of crème to my coffee.

" I hope that I become a clockmaker like my parents."

" Then I wish you the best of luck," he says taking a bite of his Monte Cristo.

I check my watch to see that I need to be home in 3 minutes to make my shift at the shop.

I quickly thank Monsieur Jaq for the lovely chat, pour my coffee into a to-go cup with a stopper, wrap my half-eaten eclair in a napkin and rush out the door at top speed.

      I run down the street making getting to the shop in record time only 5 minutes and 17 seconds. I enter the shop. I try to dart behind the count but I freeze when I hear a soft stern voice. "late again I see. For being the daughter of the two most respected clock makers in France you are always late.
" Désolé père. I will promise I will to try and be better about my attendance.

Here is a sneak peek at chapter one of Clocks and Keeper

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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