Friends Love Hate with Harry Styles

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Chapter 1

~•~•~•2 years ago •~•~•~

It was my first day of school and I was in a rush to class until I bumped in to something hard and dropped all my books and as I bent down to pick them up and a set of hands helped me pick them up and my head shot up and it was a handsome boy with curly brown locks ,beautiful green eyes that makes you want to melt inside and he smiled and oh his adorable dimples appeared and that's when he said

"Oh I'm sorry love I didn't see you " and then he helped me up and handed me my books and I said

" oh um don't worry about it ,hey but thank you I gotta go bye " then I left.

Your probably wondering who I am and what's my name and stuff like that well my name is Melissa and at this time I was 16 years of age and BTW this was before One Direction was made. so back to my story ,

The next day around lunch time and yes it was my second day of high school and when I was sitting down the kid that picked my books up came over and sat down across from me and said

"Hey its you the one I helped in the hallway " he said by flashing his adorable dimples

" Oh yeah thanks by the way" I said after having a sip of my coke and by the way high school lunch is better than elementary

"Oh no need to thank me love ..... hey um by the way I didn't catch a name "

"Oh I'm sorry my name is Melissa " I said holding my hand out

"well it is pleasure to meet you and my name is Harry" he said shaking my hand

"well the pleasure is mine I guess Harry"

I guess that when I can tell me and Harry were gonna be great friends.

•~•~A few months past ~•~•

"Harry put me down you goof ball " I said between laughs

"No ....... not until you say I'm the best friend in the world and that I have the sexiest dimples ever" he said while spinning me around

"Ok ok fine Harry is my best friend in the world and Harry got the sexiest dimples ever " then he finally put me down and starts tickling me

"HARRY ....... PLEASE ....... NOT ....... MY........" but I spoke to late he tickled my hips and he knows that that's my soft spot

"You guy please take it out side I'm on the phone" My mum asked us

"yes Mrs. Parks " Harry said then he picked me up and we went out side and he put me down and then he sat be sides me .

Harry has been my Best Friend ever since we met and its also sad because he was my only friend and when people pick on me Harry was really popular in school and he is always sticking up for me, hangs out with me and always and I mean always messes with me even when I'm not in the mood he would always find away to make me laugh .

your probably like Aww they make a great couple well no I don't think of him that way I think of him as my older brother that I never got to have.

~•~•~• One year later •~•~•~

Ever since me and Harry were friends we would always hang out and one night he took me to an amusement park and we went on the biggest roller coaster ride there was and after that he took me to get some ice cream and as we got there , there was a pretty girl there and she seemed nice until she opened her ugly mouth and said

"Hi my name is Lucy " she said to Harry and I said

"hi my name is Ma...." then she cut me off and said

"Um I was talking to him not you " she said pointing at Harry

"Oh I'm Harry and this is Ma...." once again she cuts us off again and said

"Oh really that's a sexy name Harry um do you wanna get some ice cream?" ouch I know this girl did not just cuts me off and then Harry off while we both were trying to inter duce our selves and then asks Harry if he wants to get ice cream and not adding me in . boy was I so mad ........ok ok I wasn't mad I was jellouse and then Harry said

"oh well me and Melissa we were both going to go get...." then once again she cuts him off and man I really wanted to punch her then she said

"Um who is Melissa ?"' and Harry pointed at me and she shot me a death glare and I said

"Um no its fine Harry I need to use the bathroom " then I walked away and I felt some tears running down my face so I sat on a bench and Harry came over and I guess he noticed I was crying and he pulled me in with a hug and then I pulled away and he wiped a tear off my cheek and we looked in each others eyes and then that's when he kiss me and at first I was so shocked but then kissed back.

Ever since Harry kissed me we started going out and dating.

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