A New Song

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In the following days, Katherine found herself at the former opera house almost as often as she had been there before. Michaela was determined to explore ever inch of the catacombs, and found it hilarious to thwart Arden's attempts to follow Katherine. Jane came along merely to keep an eye everyone else, her concerns as strong as they had ever been.

The day before the planned musical soiree, as she started to leave to meet her friends, Katherine was met on her front doorstep by the Vicomtesse de Chagny. The dark haired woman had an anxious look about her. "I must speak to you, Miss Hemway," she said quietly. "Please."

Glancing over her shoulder, Katherine saw Carlotta lurking on the stairway. "Yes, of course," Katherine said, gesturing outside. "It will be more private out here, I think."

Nodding, Christine turned and led the way to her carriage. She climbed in and gestured for Katherine to do the same. Once they both were settled inside, the married woman hesitated. "I meant to come soon after the masquerade, but my husband forbade it," she said. "He doesn't know I've come today."

"What is so serious you felt you had to come?" Katherine asked curiously.

Taking a deep breath, the young vicomtesse got straight to the point. "My husband tells me you know where the Phantom of the Opera is," she said. "And you won't share that knowledge with ones who can bring him to justice."

"What business is that of anyone?" Katherine asked, struggling to keep her tone pleasant.

Leaning forward, Christine grabbed the other woman's hand. "You don't know what he is capable of, Miss Hemway!" she exclaimed. "You must turn him over before he tries to ruin your life as he tried to do to mine. Before it is too late."

Jerking her hand away, Katherine shook his head. "You have told me in great detail what he has done," she said in a low voice. "But what you fail to understand was that it was all for you! You condemn him now, but did you ever ask him to stop? Or were you too terrified of his face?"

Christine stared at her. "It was not his face that I feared!" she protested. "It was the distortion, the ugliness, in his soul! What control could I ever have over a monster like him?"

Eyes flashing, Katherine brought her hand up and slapped the other woman. "He is not ugly, in any way!" she said fiercely as Christine gasped in shock. "He loved you, and you had to know that. At the first sign of trouble, the first hint of something not what you expected, you are the one who ran from him."

"I did not come here to be reprimanded for my past actions," Christine said with dignity. She stared at the other lady. "I am concerned you will regret your actions, I thought to give you a word of warning."

"It is not your place to give warning, and it is not wanted," Katherine told her sharply. Her eyes narrowed. "Can it be you're jealous? Did you like the thought of him languishing away because you denied him your love?" Christine gasped. "Well, you gave him up, and you cannot keep someone else from giving him what he deserves."

Drawing back, Christine shook her head. "You're mad if you think I'm jealous of his attentions to you."

"I find I have nothing further to say to you," Katherine said, opening the carriage door. She climbed out. "Good-day, Vicomtesse."

"Miss Hemway," Christine leaned out the window. "Did you ever stop to consider that he is just using you as a way to get to me?" Katherine whirled around. "He has sent me his music again. It is the only beautiful thing that came from him, and I would know it anywhere. I will be singing it tomorrow night."

Before Katherine could form a retort, the vicomtesse ordered the driver to move on. Furious, and slightly depressed, Katherine stared after the carriage. Muttering under her breath, the young lady turned to where her own family's carriage waited for her.

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