Three Witches of the Mark.

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   Suddenly the dark sulky room is filled with bright Yellow light.I squeeze my eyes shut.The light is so intense.
    Then the light dies out.I open my eyes and almost choke when I see three wierd women standing in front of me.
   "Do not fear,my dear"The First Lady says."Who are you?"I ask in a dead voice.Im done now,honestly.
"We are the Three witches of the mark."  The woman says."the witches of the-what?"I say confused."Of the Mark" the other woman says."my name is Helena,these are my sisters Shelly and Wiley."Helena says.
  "I'm sorry I'm confused.Why are you here?"I ask.Shelly giggles,"to save you ofcourse!"."save me?But why?"I ask still puzzled."Oh,for heaven's sake,girl!"Wiley says and breaks my chains."take my hand!we have to get out of here!"she says."but,wait!what about my friends!"I say,"oh they're safe and sound come on now before they return!" "But-"
   She takes my hand and squeezes it and everything goes blank.
   After a few seconds everything comes visible and we are in a room .My vision goes blur and I fall down.I feel someone picking me up and that's it.
I open my eyes.Im in a bedroom.Its warm and merry.I sit up straight on the bed and see my friends."Guys?"
  "Oh,Lisa , so glad you're awake."Chris squeezes my arm,"are you okay?" "Yeah...uh,how much time has passed since me being unconscious?"I ask."About half an hour."Roxane replies.
   I see that the three of them are hesitating for some reason."what?Spit it."I say."....uh,there's some bad news."Chris says.

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