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She probably hates me now. She is just so smart, Snape started taking points from Gryffindor, calling Hermione an insufferable know it all. That's not fair. Why couldn't she be a slytherin... Weasley and Potter go off so she is alone. Now is the time! I must go and talk.
"Why are you here?" She asked in a harsh tone.
"I came to see if you're okay after I knocked you" I answered hesitantly
"Leave me alone!"
"Fine you filthy little mudblood..." I didn't realise what I just said. She burst out in tears. Great. What have I done?

What am I doing with my life. I am falling in love with the enemy and trying to become a death eater. She definitely won't like me now. She hates me as well because she thinks I am a death eater and siding with the enemy. I don't want to but my father is making me.

Why her? Every girl around me wants to date me. I need to get her out of my head... I go to defence against the dark arts, my favourite lesson. We are learning attacking spells and are put in partners. Great I have Weasely. I'm gonna get killed because his broken wand. The daft idiot nearly got killed by tree. If I harm home Hermione will definitely hate me...

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