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Warning ⚠ This is a short chapter from Theo's point of view.

Theo's POV

My heart sits like a block of coal in my chest sinking deeper for the pain of my true love.

All I ever wanted was for my dear Casella to see her parents for who they really are or were. But now she has sunken into a depression.
Her mother and father have ripped her heart out of her chest and I feel my Luna's pain.

The early morning light from the window cascades down Casella's beautiful face. She sleeps in a old pair of my jogging pants and t-shirt, while connected to a heart and blood pressure monitor.

She refuses to talk to anyone, and all she ever does is eat and sleep, in the last week she has gained fifth-teen pounds. I'll care for her either way, but I'm worried about her health.

My pack doctor walks up to me after checking Casella's vitals. He is a tall dark brown skin man who is very skilled in his practice.

"Despite Casella's rapidly changing weight and the way she has casted herself away from society, she should be fine, we have put her on a knew anti-depression pill made especially for elves she should be well in a matter of weeks" the doctor gives me a heavy pat on the back and begins to leave.

"Wait" I say still worried about Casella's state of health.
"there's nothing I can do...... To speed up the process I mean."

The doctor looks at me with furrowed eye brows, but then gives me a quick nod.

"Oh yes, mainly you should stay by her side, be patient and loving. But at the same time give her space to breath, maybe leave her with a couple of books, or a drawing pad and pencil and watch her slowly come out of her shell."

A light in my head lit up at the doctor's last sentence. I have the perfect idea in mind.

I gave the doctor a quick thank you and began to walk to my lovely Casella. She laid there sleeping oblivious to the world around her.
I took the keychain that was attached to one of the hooks of my pants off. The large keychain held a couple of a dozen keys that opened doors to things like the kitchen,the cellars, and my bedroom of course. But one of those keys stood closer to my heart then the others.

I looked over at my love's pail face and plumped red lips, and held back the urge to kiss her, she wouldn't approve it.

Hesitantly I softly shook Casella's shoulder, waking her. She looked at me groggily with her doe eyes.

"You know I hate to wake you but I have a surprise." I said pulling my mother's key off the key-chain, it was a beautiful creation, but I saw little change in Casella's face.

"It was my mother's, She loved rubies just like you" I gave her a chaste kiss on the four head, before putting the key in her open palm and closing it.

"It opens the door to the north tower" I said before kissing her again, but on the cheek and leaving.

This is the key to the north tower and don't worry the following chapters will be longer💞💞

This is the key to the north tower and don't worry the following chapters will be longer💞💞

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