* Chapter 4 *

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A/N: question, you know when wattpad has an update. Does it log out on your account when you update it? Plz answer, thx!!
Plus this story is gonna be the shortest story I have ever made, there may be a sequel when season 3 will finish. Sorry guys to leave you disappointed but on further notice I will make more books in return.

* code words *
Y/N : Your Name

Your POV

You- Aphmau?
Aphmau- yeah?
You- can you tell me about Aaron, the person you miss so much?
Aphmau- who told you that?!
You- Garroth
Aphmau- figure, well let me started from the beginning

She held a sleeping Alina in her arms and sat down more in her chair. We were at the dinner table just talking, until I brought up the subject of this Aaron dude.

Aphmau- I'll start from the very beginning
You- okay

Aphmau- long ago, a man named Aaron was a husband and a lord of Falcon claw he had a wife and a son. One day stumbled a man called Zane he isn't someone who you can trust, he had a relic and he told me it was cursed. His son bright it home and he lost everything on sight.
Aaron became known as a stranger, we met in a forget was it was snowy he saved me from a pack of wolves. Anyway we became friends and he joined the journey.
Garroth was really naive at this point he turned against us and gave Zane the most power relic out of all relics, Irene's relic. He got trapped in it along with Zane and we got back, then it was 15 years passed.
Lots of things happened, meeting Lilith, Laurence he's a shadow knight, seeing the Irene's ruins and then Aaron sacrifice himself to save Garroth and kill Zane in the process.
Now the time is now, I actually found myself pregnant with Aaron's daughter Alina and when she was born his was born a relic but of a evil person his name is Shad, relic holder of the destroyer. He is trying to find Alina at this point and trying to protect her.

You- wow, a lot of things are happening to you.

After with her explaining I asked her a different question.

You- he had a wife didn't he?
Aphmau- yeah
You- do you know what her name is or her son?
Aphmau- I don't remember
You- I wouldn't imagined you, being Irene and going through all that
Aphmau- it's okay I got through but the most important mission right now, is keeping Alina safe

" I love you " " I love you too "

Aphmau- another memory?You- yeah but I saw a visionAphmau- what is it about?You- I'm being hugged Aphmau- by who?You- I don't know I can't see itAphamu- I bet you will soonYou- I hoped so too AphmauAphmau- hey Y/N? You- yeah?Aphmau- I think I know...

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Aphmau- another memory?
You- yeah but I saw a vision
Aphmau- what is it about?
You- I'm being hugged
Aphmau- by who?
You- I don't know I can't see it
Aphamu- I bet you will soon
You- I hoped so too Aphmau
Aphmau- hey Y/N?
You- yeah?
Aphmau- I think I know someone who can help you
You- who?
Aphmau- she's a really good friend of mine, her name is Lucinda. She a witch but she nice
You- where can I find her
( I forgot where she is but let's say I do 😂😅 )
Aphmau- we should get to her when we come back
You- Aphmau, thank you it's really thoughtful of you to help me, even if you met me a few days ago
Aphmau- I know I might trust people too easily, but I know when a person is trustworthy or not

Few hours later

You- so our next mission is finding a guy called Travis?
Liochant- apparently his related to Enki
You- is he
Liochant- yeah, never knew too I kinda excited to meet him
You- me too, like what colour hair does his have what eyes?
Liochant- that will be answer sooner of later

Just then when we were talking we heard voices.

You- oh it's Katelyn and Garroth up there
Liochant- I wonder what their talking about

( you guys know the part when Garroth and Katelyn were fighting )

Liochant- their talking about, me
You- will they stop

Then what I think it was a stab on the boats docks then heard Aphmau


Me and Liochant stood their in shock.

The next morning.....

We were close to Phoenix drop, we saw the island of the docks and houses. I stood next to Liochant.

You- were you okay with yesterday?
Liochant- yeah I'm fine, why?
You- don't you feel you know?
Liochant- I understand what Garroth was trying to say, sometimes just because a person treats you right doesn't mean you trust them fully. I understand what Garroth is pointing out, I'm not mad or anything
You- well, it's good Liochant, but why wouldn't Garroth trust you?
Liochant- it's cause I'm from tu'la
You- were those the people who got the lord of O'kasis?
Liochant- yeah, and now that I am a guard it's obvious that Garroth wouldn't really trust me
You- I bet he'll come around soon Liochant trust me
Liochant- your making it sound like those people who always say that
You- really?
Liochant- yeah

Then we came to the docks of Phoenix drop Liochant walked towards Aphmau, guess he wanted to talk some things out. I walked onto the docks and smelt the air.

" what are those clouds mom? " " that my dear is fog, it's kinda like clouds but here near us " " that's so cool! "

I stared up the clouds seeing weird figures. Then I heard Liochant coming, I turned around he and looked a little bit worried.

You- what's wrong Liochant?
Liochant- im coming with Aphmau to see Travis, but he said we have to go alone, together. I wanted to take my time off guarding Lilith and Alina
You- but you love looking after those girls
Liochant- I know but, ugh! I might as well have to do what a guard has to do
You- that's very brave of you to go with Aphmau alone
Liochant- I guess you can say that

Dang it's almost the end of this story just hope it can come into ten chapter parts.

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