The begginng of the end

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"Yet to speak the truth reason and love keep little company together nowadays" William Shakespeare A Midsummer Nights Dream

Today was the beginning of the end. That was it. Because of Hans I was here. And yet to know my place in the world will always be hard for me. I am discriminated because I am different. I have Hans to thank for my story, my escape. I probably would have died in that place, I was almost destined to die there. And yet When it's dark you look for stars and when it rains you look for rainbows
This is your writer speaking. Please like vote and comment cuz I do read them. Sorry for the short chapter it's to add suspense so you read on.
"The final forming of a persons character lies in their own hands." Anne Frank

I will start from the beginning because where else can you start? I was born to my mother Allona and my father Otto. I was an only child and grew up in Berlin. My family friend had a son called Hans. From a very young age he was the only friend I had, and I him. Even though he was catholic and I Jewish we were inseparable. I can remember his school started a few days before mine so on the last day of summer he spoke to me quietly.
"I'm scared, I don't know what school will be like and I will have no friends without you." He held my hand and tears filled his blue eyes. I remember squeezing his hand and telling him it was all going to be OK. I never let him know how scary the world was. Hans always told me what everything was. Hans was much smarter than me. He used to help me figure out everything. I wanted to go to his school but his was all boys and mine all girls. After school I would walk to Hans school and we would walk home. In the spring we would stop by the stream and in summer we would paddle there to keep cool. As we grew up I soon noticed that although I was surrounded by friends at school, Hans was my only close friend. When me and my friends met Hans at the stream he was always alone. I sometimes asked if he had any friends of his own. "mind your own business" was always my response. Many years went by and I soon realised that our routine had changed. We stopped paddling in the stream with the new school children and we stopped our childish conversations. In summer (although paddling was out of the question) we would lie under the trees and watch the stream flow. If you crept through the blackberry bush you came to where the stream flowed to a waterfall. We mostly stayed there, at least, until 6 when we had to leave or I would break curfew. It was a long walk and we weren't allowed to take the tram. Well I wasn't. Looking back I realise how much Hans gave up for me. All those rainy walks where we caught colds and chills. All the early nights and risks. When we were 13 I knew that he loved me and I had felt something, but I playfully spurned his affections. Yet this funny feeling grew stronger. I tried to ignore it, yet as the feeling grew stronger so did our friendship. All my girlfriends were finding suitors and teasing me about my suitor-less life. My 'best' friend Alexa asked me a question that has stuck with me for a long time. "What about Hans?"
He was a perfect suitor, many of the Jewish girls lusted after him. he had grown tall dark and handsome. The funny feeling grew stronger. I knew he lusted after me, and I played this to my advantage. He didn't know my feelings for him but as we lay side by side by the waterfall one summer he asked me something. "Do many of the boys love you?" I can remember the shock of his question and the feeling of embarrassment. I had hesitated to reply and had told him that they may have done, but it escaped my attention. Then Hans told me he loved me. I waited to answer him, but the funny feeling took over and I answered with possibly the worst thing I could have said. "I know." But when he looked so crestfallen and I felt funny again I said "I love you too." Then he kissed me. It was only a small kiss, but the feeling of being so grown up and so overwhelmed overtook my senses. We lay there and discussed the latest news, he thought Hitler was a real problem for the Jews, I parroted what father said about how he was a smear on the mirror of life, and that all the concentration/labour camps would be liberated and Hitler dead before the decade was out. Hans knew that I knew nothing about this. He asked me about the Jews in Berlin who had already gone into hiding or concentration camps. I said that I personally wasn't planning on going into hiding but if we have to, then we will. My exact words were "Anything is better than the gas chambers, right?" Hans had no answer.
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I do read them.
"First they ignore you, then laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." Mahatma Ghandi

Growing up Hans became my suitor and my best friend. At the age of 19 we left school and sought work. Hans was in training to be a tailor and I was sent to a dressmakers shop. Every day after work he would walk me home past the river and we would shortcut through the blackberry bush past the waterfall and we would always smile and hold hands. When I was 23 Hans asked me to marry him. At this point we were very close and after 10 years if courting it was only right to say yes. It was uncommon for a Christian man to marry a Jewish girl and especially not to convert, but I stated true to my faith and Hans respected that. The news from the Hitler front wasn't good but I focused on my wedding. I wore a white dress and a beautiful veil all embroidered with roses. I kept to tradition of not letting him see me in my dress until I walked up the isle. I was scared and I gripped Ottos arm. Yet as soon as I saw Hans at the other end of the isle I was ok. I soon realised that funny feeling I had had a name. It was called love.
Hello just a quick comment on how nice all you people are. Please please pleeeeeeaaaaaasssseeeeee like and vote.
And leave comments because I do read them.
"If love is a game, it has to be the hardest game in the world. After all, how can anyone win a game when there's no rules?" Anonymous

The honeymoon came and went and by 1941 most of the Jews I knew were in hiding or camps. That was the year I got my call up notice. I decided to go, it was only labour camp which was better than concentration. Hans didn't agree though. He wanted to hide until the war was over, to keep me safe. I refused. I told him if we were caught then I would definitely go to a concentration camp. And then he would be in danger. So I went. I had to stay there and I never saw Hans anymore, but I ploughed through. I worked, I was unpaid but at least I had hair. For now I had hair. A small family of inmates were thrown in here. I grew very close to them in my time in the labour camp. There was a 15 year old girl and her Mum. The girl was called Ann and the Mum was called Adina. They were very close. Even with the bleak grey attitude outside our small room they were a welcome splash of red. They were in there with me for three months, and they knew Hans! They said he was upset, but carried on. Until Jews could only go to Jewish companies they had used him as a tailor for the dad/husband. In the three months they were in there with me, it seemed as if everything was going to be ok. But then the worst happened to them. They were sent on to Auschwitz. That was a concentration camp. I saw their startled faces as they left. I never heard of them again.
I say the same thing every time but although I still mean it I want to do something different. Please comment if you have anything on wattpad I will like vote comment ect.
"You can't have a better tomorrow if you don't stop thinking about yesterday." Anonymous

After that I lost all hope. The grey world outside seeped its way into my soul. Every day I was given work and every day I did it. I ate what was given to me and slept when I could. I lost all interest in life. I missed Hans more than ever, his small things like kisses and stuff. I missed hot food and more food. I saw the huge gap in my life without him. I learnt not to get to close to anyone in here. I thought of horrible stuff, my parents death, my last day with Hans and more. I missed everything about everyone I knew. I felt like I was seeing in black and white. I ploughed through everyday, but I was so bored and depressed. I thought about all the things I took for granted, stolham with butter and milk. Life itself used to be a luxury but now was a chore, something to be done with as quickly as possible. I ached all over, I cried myself to sleep at night and woke up with a huge pole of work to be done. I went to sleep dirty and woke up dirty. I longed for a clean hot bath. One day one of the nazi soldiers came into my cell. "Hail Hitler! You are being moved to Auschwitz. We don't need you here anymore." I was put on the train the next day.
Hello my lovely people.
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