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Georgia walked to the front door with her bags of clothes and walked to the car.
"Georgia", Mike, her boyfriend, called out. Georgia turned around and looked at him.
"Yeah", she asked. Mike put his hands in his pockets.
"I'll miss you", he said. Georgia nodded, sat her bag down and waved. She picked her bags back up and walked to the car.

She opened the trunk and plopped her bags in, slamming it shut after. She turned around and waved goodbye to the other slaves.

She stepped in the car and closed the door.
"Are you ready Georgia Rose", Frank had said. Well, she was far from ready but she nodded her head anyways.

"Well here we go", Frank said with a sigh. He started his car and began to drive to Georgia's new home.
"Who am I being sold to, master Frank", she asked him. Frank gripped the wheel a bit tighter and groaned quietly.

"You can't call me master anymore, OK", Frank told her. Georgia nodded and bit the inside of her cheek.
"You're going to the best slave owner in the world", Frank said with a smile.

"But you're the best slave owner in the world", Georgia said. Frank's smile faded and he took a quick glance at Georgia.
"Well this man is better. He is a special man", he told her.

Georgia looked out the window and sighed. She looked at her lap and back out of the window.
"How come he's special", she asked him. Frank chuckled.
"Well his ancestors, which is his family in the past, made slavery continue. We wouldn't have met if they hadn't", he told her.

She nodded even though she knew he couldn't see her.

A few minutes later they arrived at a big, white house with trees leading up to the home. The trees arched over like a done as if protecting whoever drove into the path.

When Frank completely drove in front of the home, there stood a white lady, next to the white door, wearing a white dress. If her hair wasn't brown, or she wasn't wearing black eyeliner, Georgia would have never spotted her.

Frank opened the door for Georgia as she was daydreaming about what that woman's role was in the home. Wife? Girlfriend? Maybe just a friend? Or maybe daughter or sister of the owner. So many options.

"Georgia", Frank called as he stood at her door. Georgia snapped her head toward the tall man and scrambled out of the car. Frank rolled his eyes playfully because of her clumsiness.

Frank walked her toward the woman and smiled.
"This is my lovely slave, Georgia Rose", Frank told the woman while he pointed to Georgia with his hand. Georgia looked over toward Frank.
"Now master Frank, I am no slave. Servant is what I am", Georgia told him. Frank chuckled and nodded.
"Yes, my mistake. Servent", Frank told the woman.

The woman giggled.
"She still calls you master", the lady asked him. Frank widened his eyes and faced Georgia.
"Georgia, we talked about this in the car", Frank told her. Georgia nodded and bit her bottom lip.
"No, no, no. It's fine. I respect that. She  is still loyal to you, Frank", the woman said.

Georgia smiled at her and rocked on her feet. Frank smiled as well, blushing a little while so.
"Uh, thank you, Mrs. Styles", Frank said. Styles. Styles. Sounds familiar. Georgia shrugged it off and looked at her new master give her old master, well Frank, his money from her.

"Welcome to your new home, darling", the supposedly Mrs. Styles told her.

Picture up there is Georgia Rose.

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