Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The Appointment.

“There is a condition worse than blindness, and that is, seeing something that isn't there.”
                                                                                                                                                – Thomas Hardy

Alice, Carlisle, Esme, and Rosalie were home when we arrived twenty minutes later. The four vampires sat inhumanly still, eyes locked on the television in front of them. It was moments like these, when they sat too still or moved too fast, when I could easily see them for what they were. However, there were plenty of times when they acted more human than I did.

The lady on the television was covering the latest news on the Seattle murders, explaining that the police departments were stepping up in their investigation. All the families of the victims had banded together, deciding to offer a substantial reward for information that would lead to an arrest. The Cullens were clearly disturbed by this turn of events.

“Just what we need,” Rose sneered and shook her head, “more humans snooping and garnering unwanted attention.”

“This is getting out of hand.” Carlisle stood up and turned down the television. “If we don’t do something soon, the Volturi may step in.”

“The Volturi?” I was surprised how loud I spoke, and blanched when the four Cullens turned to me. I didn’t understand why they would be concerned with the fatalities in Seattle—they didn’t value human life the way the Cullens did. “Why would they care about this?”

Esme’s eyes widened and she frowned disapprovingly. “Edward, you didn’t tell her?”

The room fell silent and all eyes focused on Edward, including mine. I wasn’t completely shocked that he had kept something from me, but I was astounded that his family assumed he told me…whatever it was he didn’t tell me. Guilt was written all over Edward’s face and I touched his shoulder, urging him to say something.

“No, I didn’t want to worry her,” Edward responded, refusing to meet my gaze, and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize to us,” Alice growled, crossed her arms over her chest and inclined her head in my direction.

Edward nodded and his gaze shifted. “I’m so sorry, Love.”

I took his hand in mine, and smiled. “It’s okay, Edward—but, will you please tell me what’s going on?”

“We’ve been watching the events in Seattle for awhile,” he said and his brow furrowed deeper. “We’re fairly certain that a group of newborns are behind the violence.”

“Newborns?” I looked at the others, not really understanding. “You mean newborn vampires?”

“Yes,” Carlisle confirmed and took a step forward. “One of the many drawbacks of becoming…like us, is the overwhelming blood lust that occurs within the first year of transformation.”

“They’re uncontrollable and unthinkably strong,” Esme interjected seriously, shaking her head at her own mentioning of their strength. After experiencing James—a three hundred year old vampire—it was difficult to imagine something more powerful, but the look on Esme’s face told me there was. “It’s for those reasons that they’re usually created.”

“So, the murders in Seattle are actually vampires?” The idea that there were new vampires lurking around wasn’t sitting well with me. Not only did I have to worry about Victoria and the Volturi, I now had to throw newborn vampires into the mix. “What does this mean?”

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