Checking in(12)

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Eventually we arrived again at the vampire world or as Zelvena called it Darkveil , but this time we didn't arrive inside the huge building we arrived outside it and I glanced round at the vast garden it was covered in pure emerald grass like jewels laid out like a carpet and trees neatly placed in corners there was a water fountain of a wolf that poured beautiful blue water out of its mouth. The sky was bright blue without a cloud insight and Zelvena began to walk toward the large brown doors that were attached to a gigantic  castle no wait a palace it was all in stone and had many layers there were steps going up to it and I was stood on them. I was looking up at the palace as Zelvena was opening the door
"It isn't locked?" I asked
"It's never locked to a vampire" she smiled and beckoned me up the stairs.
So I walked in after her and nothing much had changed inside. I tried to take in every detail and I looked at the receptionist again she had a name badge on her desk saying


Hm that must be her name , I thought and her head jerked up glaring at me.
"Zelvena and Holly how lovely it is to see you again. Vellasette is waiting for you in her office." She beamed
I just kind of daydream at her she looks just like a normal receptionist. She has short curly blonde hair and blue eyes her lips have been coloured coral pink and she smiled . That's when I was sure she was a vampire as her fangs like everyone else's struck down
"Th-thank you" I smiled
Her smile widened " your very welcome" I followed Zelvena back up to the queens office. Before she could knock the door swung open and froze just before it hit the wall.
"Come in" a sweet voice called . Once again I found my self sat in this huge but beautifully decorated room.
Vellasette handed me a key
"Your room is number 342" she stood with her hands together and with good posture her head held high with a way that made her seem better then everyone , which she was , but she didn't do it in a way that everyone thought she was selfish and nasty , she was just naturally better. " You may unpack all your things in that room and add any decoratio-"
I did mean to be rude but I interrupted her "I can decorate it!? " I gasped
She stood sternly and for a minute I didn't know what what going to happen whether she was going to be angry or disappointed . But then her stern face turned into a smile
"You may express yourself throughout your room yes of course just as any other vampire can... I suppose your father didn't let you do much with your room in the human world?"
I shook my head
"He is a stubborn soul your father , but that doesn't matter now , this is a new place where rules change and probably much to your liking"
She took a sip out of a silver goblet and from what I could tell it was blood of some sort and it was thick I could see it pour into her mouth and when she lowered the cup she licked her red slips capturing any last drops.
That was then the door flew open and what looked like a higher up vampire burst in he was dressed In a casual black shirt which was neatly ironed with a black kind of glittery tie his hair was swayed to the right and was deep black it wasn't perfectly combed but still neat. His fangs showed when he spoke
"Your majesty! It's Roza! Even though you said she must stay away from the nursery she's tormenting the vampire children , taking there blood bottles and causing chaos! " he chanted
The queen rolled her eyes , put her glass down and looked at him.
"Again?! I gave her orders not to go near the nursery!! And she promised!"
The man looked at her " I'm sorry your majesty"
She looked at us and I stared back wondering
"Follow me girls , I cannot leave you like this"

So we did we walked threw many corridors and beautiful layers of the building until we reached a darker part of the building. A door creaked open and we all walked inside . I was kinda holding onto Zelvenas arm hoping she would give me some more guidance as I couldn't see much. She held my arm tight until eventually we were all standing under some more fairy lights. It looked like a police questioning room and a Young vampire girl around the age of 20 sat there looking angry and annoyed. Vellasette sat down at the seat opposite her while the rest stood near the doorway.

Not All Vampires Are Bad (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now