Christmas and New Year Special

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"Rowoon-ah, can you put this on the table?" Hanna said as she took the hot turkey out from the oven and gave it to Rowoon who smiles at her and went to the dining room, carefully placing the hot turkey on the middle of the table.

Minutes later, the table was filled with Christmas food. The smell went to the youngsters' nostril as they walk towards the dining room.

"Smells good," Hwiyoung said ruffling Hanna's hair and say another compliment to In-Seong as the other dig into the food and obviously can't hold another minute.

Hanna looks around the room a satisfied smile broke into her face, feeling proud of what she did with her Brother.

It was Christmas and Hanna had the idea of inviting her friends and also In-Seong's to have a Christmas dinner.

"Don't be shy, eat a lot!" he said loud enough that the whole guest said yes in unison.

In-Seong dig in after the whole guest took theirs and look around, searching for Hanna and found her drinking her hot chocolate by the kitchen counter.

In-Seong approaches his sister and snake his arms around her shoulders.

"Aren't you going to eat?" In-Seong asks. Hanna shakes her head.

"I'm not that hungry." She replied.

Hanna look outside the window and a soft smile appears as she saw the snow slowly piling up and covering her green backyard.

For a second, she thought that it was kind of lonely not having her parents to celebrate Christmas and New Year because they had their own party outside Korea.

But she's grateful that she's able to celebrate it with the people she loves.

Rowoon gave her a thin chain gold bracelet with his initial name on it while Juho gave her a queen crown gold ring from Pandora, Hanna's favorite accessories brand.

She was happy, thrilled that everyone came and exchange gifts dinner and they all piled up in the living room in front of the fireplace with hot cocoa on their hands.

Laughter filled the room, exchanging smiles and warmth. But those still feel uncompleted when the person put Hanna's life upside down isn't there.

The person who she expected to come wasn't there to celebrate Christmas and New Year with her and the others.

Hanna hate to admit that she expected him to be here, but he wasn't.

"Are you okay?" A hand landed on her shoulder, cutting her thoughts chain to reality.

She blinked her eyes before looking towards the owner of the hand, the familiar voice make her gulp her saliva.

It was minutes ago that she was thinking about him, her disappointment that he wasn't able to celebrate the special day with the others.

"Taeyang Sunbae!" Hanna squeals and quickly hugged him without thinking twice; the volume inside the living room slowly quite down as the others had their eyes on the hugging couple.

"PDA!" Chanee scream and cover his face with his palm while the others playfully hit Chanee who was sitting on the floor.

A smile crack on Hanna's face as the vibe inside the living room went back to normal. She let go of the hug and automatically her face turns red after hugging Taeyang.

Her thoughts seem so deep that she didn't realize Taeyang came after the important business he has to deal with his father.

"I thought you didn't want to come, after..." Hanna said drifting the last word. She didn't want to bring it up again in this beautiful and happy celebration day, but she had too.

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