Love is in the air

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Another chapter!!!!


Lucy p.o.v

I was smoothing out the dress Levy had made. It looked amazing on me. I walked out of my bathroom to see Erza sitting in a elegant dark purple dress which split from the tigh down. She had on dark purple gloves and had her hair up in a bun.

Mira had on a tanish dress that had white designs all over. She had a lacy sleeves top holding the dress in place. Her hair was all the way down and had been straighten. Levy wore her dress and was helping Juvia with her hair. 

"Mind if I do your hair" Erza asked. I was a little scared at what she would do but I oblige after a while. I sat on a chair as Erza worked with my hair. 

"Done" she whispered. I got up walking to the mirror and gasped. Erza had done the most beautiful bun ever. Strands of my hair fell down making it look even more beautiful. "Erza thanks" I said. "No problem and here; These golden sun earrings match the dress" she said. I put the earrings and and twirled around.

"Okay every one the boys should be here in a minute" Levy announced. She went around doing last minute check ups. Levy really wanted this night to be perfect, but I'm worried she won't enjoy it unless she takes a break. 

"Levy calm down" I said. "I'm sorry its just that.... that.. I want everything to be perfect" she said. 

"I understand, but you also won't enjoy anything if you keep being a worry wort" I said patting her back. For once since I met Levy I saw her hair straight as a board. It was something I wasn't use to and I thought it was cute. 

A knock and the sound of the window opening caught me off guard. Natsu poked his head through my window scaring Wendy. Gray and the others came through the door. All mouths dropped at looking at us. Natsu kept starring at me which caused me to blush like a maniac. 

"Well the boys are here time to go" Mira said in a cheer free voice hooking arms with Laxus and left. I nearly did a double take at that scene. So Mira and Laxus hmmm.

I smiled at Romeo stumbling at his words making Wendy blush. Eventually Erza pushed the poor boy closer to her and they left. Erza grabbed Jellal and winked at me and Juvia.

"Gray-sama" Juvia squealed leaping on him. Gray held her while smiling. Juvia looked like she was about to melt in his arms. A warm pair of arms encircled me causing me to freeze. "You look beautiful" Natsu whispered in my ear. Shivers traveled down my back as my chest clenched up. He was so close.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the window. Once I caught on to what he was doing I immediately stopped him. "You know there's is a door to use" I said annoyed. "But the window is a lot more fun" he pouted. He gave me that puppy dog look and pouted. His bottom lip quivered making me give in. 

"Fine" I groaned. He smiled and scooped me up bridal style. I cluch onto his shoulder as he jumped out. He let me go as we were on the ground. "Come on Lucy" he said grabbing my hand once again dragging me towards the festival.

Levy p.o.v

It was so amazing!!! People danced and played. Kids try to win at the little booths. Food was everywhere. Lights filled up the place. 

I was walking side-by-side with Gajeel who was eating some iron I made. People from the guild and a few others mingled. I saw a wisp of white and blonde in the dance area. MIra and Laxus were dancing around. Laxus had a soft smile on his  lips while Mira had a huge one.

I could see Elfman and Evergreen together playing at the game booths. "Oh shrimp whatcha wanna do" Gajeel asked. I haven't notice that he had a eye on me. "Wanna play at the games" I asked smiling. He nodded and made his way with me in tow to one. 

"Welcome and come on up. Test your strength and win your girlfriend a huge stuff dragon or tiger" the person running it said. I blushed at the part when he said girlfriend. Gajeel cracked his knuckles and chuckled. I sweat dropped knowing he was going to over do it like always.

He picked up the average sized mallet and was about to swing. The mallet grew in size making him fall backwards. "Gajeel you okay" I asked. "Yeah. What the hell old man" Gajeel said standing up. "Sorry I forgot to mention that the mallet is infused with some magic. It grows to a point where it would give you trouble" the man said. 

"Hmph it doesn't matter" Gajeel said grabbing onto the handle once again. He lifted it up with ease and swung it down. The mallet struck hard causing the little weight to move up fast breaking the bell. The man mouth dropped at the sight. Gajeel plucked a grey dragon off the shelf handing me it. 

"Lets dance" he said holding his hand out. I took his hand and let him guide me back to the dance floor. I sat the stuff dragon on a table where Wendy and Romeo sat. "Can you watch this" I asked. The little dragon slayer nodded and continue on with her talk.

Gajeel dragged me towards the middle and gripped onto my waist. A slow song was on and we swayed to the beat. Gajeel pulled my closer to him as I gulped. Lifting my head I looked him in the eyes. They were calm and soft. His head moved down and my heart began to beat extremely fast. Lips came onto mine as an explosion of fireworks flutter in me. 

Gajeel parted us and chuckled. "I love you shrimp" he said. "I love you to" I answered. "AWWWWWW" I heard someone say. I turn to see the white haired she devil smiling at us. "Operation Gale is complete" she said turning her attention to the others.

Oh Mira you and your match making. 


another chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!

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