Ch.14: Baby and Bullets

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Eight-ish months later

"Ma'am we're going to have to go into emergency C-section." I looked at Carter crying from worry. The doctor was talking really fast.

"Can my husband come?" The fear seeping into my unarmed mind. Ripping and tearing where I was most vulnerable.

"Cupcake calm down," said Carter. He wiped the tears off my face. "Everything is going to be fine, I promise. I'm going to be in there whether they like it or not." I knew they couldn't stop Carter which was comforting. Whether I liked it or not they had to put me to sleep because I was 'hostile.'

When I woke up I suddenly remembered everything and started screaming for Carter, Magnolia, and my baby. If the baby made it through. Carter walked in holding the baby and sat down on the edge of the hospital bed. I started crying again, "the baby's ok?" I still didn't know if it was a boy or girl.

"Yes it's okay, a healthy five and a half pounds. It's a boy." My heart swelled with pride.

"You get to name him. I named MG you name our son." I said stealing the bundle of blue from Carter. Crying ever more at his sweet green eyes, just like mine. I could already see some tufts of hair, curls to be exact, just like Carter's.

"Kristopher Michael Callahan."

"Hello Kris," I cooed softly to the baby. "I promise you I will love you unconditionally. Even when I rot in hell with your father I will love you." I said smiling at Carter.

"She's kidding," Carter muttered to the baby. "I'm the only one going to hell in this family."

"You really haven seen what I do after a breakup." I smiled remembering the time I got arrested for egging a car.

"I'm sure whatever you do doesn't make you deserve to go to hell."

"Once my teacher at a Catholic school told me I would rot in hell forever. That's just when she caught me kissing a guy. Yeah, we'll have to see."

"Well, if I had gone to Catholic school...." He trailed off.



"Don't you finish that sentence, I don't want to know your player past." He just smirked a little bit. "Don't look all cute and smirk at me."

After a few days we were allowed to go home. "Let's go Callahan. I want to see Magnolia. Plus I want to see this amazing room for the baby you won't let me see." I crossed my arms and held Kris close to me. I looked down at my stomach. I was still pretty fat, but it made me sad to think that a baby wasn't in there anymore. I was just fat now. Carter drove me home and showed me the baby room, it really was fantastic. The walls were light grey, there was a big fake fur rug on the carpet. The rocking chair sat in the corner accompanied by a couch. The elephant painting hung on the was over the grey and baby blue changing station. The grey crib sat against the far wall, with blue elephant blankets. Magnolia was thrilled about her baby brother. I was sitting in one of the couches in the baby's room feeding Kris. Carter came in and sat down. He had just laid down Magnolia. "We have two kids now," I said sounding kinda naive.


"I am terrified." It was March 13th and I was freaking out mentally.

"Why is that?"

"Two kids, double the stress, double the mouths to feed, double the birthdays, double amount of Christmas present...double the likelihood I'll fail, again."
"Two times the amount of random funny comments, double adorableness, double the love, double the happiness, and another chance for you."

"Carter," I said looking from the baby to him. "I never thought you would be the one lifting my spirits.

"Ummm, that's nice." I cuddled into his chest.

"I love you Callahan."

"I love you too cupcake."

"I'm not cupcake," my voice was hoarse from the past few days.

"You are to me."

"Why do you always say that? How am I a cupcake, and don't point out I'm fat right now." I said threateningly.

"Because when I first met you I remember thinking that you were sweet, but naive. Which was how I came up with the idea for cupcake, because you're sweet, but also young and innocent."

"I'm not innocent," I said.

"Compared to a lot of people you are."

"I'm really that naive?" I said emphasizing that.

"Compared to a lot of other people around me, yes."

I huffed a little, then a quiet knock came on the door. I knew instantly it was the boys.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Carter screamed.

"We wanted to see the baby," Noah said softly. "We can come back," he started walking away.

"It's okay you can come in," said Carter his voice quiet again.

I handed the baby off to Jake. I could see in his eyes, he melted right there and then for the little baby Kris. His usual rigid stance, morphed into a comfortable, secure stature. Carter walked up behind him, and whispered something in his ear. Jake then turned around and tried to slap him, but Carter moved out if the way. Noah and James got their turns with the baby, and then he was back to me.

I turned and exited the room, after laying him in his crib. I had the baby monitor and Carter and I walked into his office. About thirty minutes later I heard a loud crack and then Kris cry. I looked at the baby monitor and was someone broke the glass that led to Kris's balcony. I started running down the hall, but I just had a baby I couldn't love super fast. I saw Carter running from our bedroom. He sprinted past me down the hallway towards Kris's room. I saw a man jumping off the balcony with our screaming baby. I saw Carter no hesitation go flying off of the balcony. I was screaming and crying and when Noah, James, and Jake came in I was hysterical. I quickly ran and grabbed Magnolia. Carter was chasing after the guy and finally grabbed Kris. Then the dude pulled a gun. I saw him aim a gun at Kris and fire. Then I saw Carter turn around and stuck his shoulder in front of Kris. Then I saw Carter collapse into the ground and the dude drive away. 

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