4. To die would be better than having him hurt

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Ravens P.O.V

Two weeks have gone by since Baelfire as arrived on this ship. And to say that I am happy would be an understatement, I am so thrilled to have him here. I finally get to have a brother that I have always wanted. Someone who would protect me and be there for me. And I am happy that he is it. Everyday me and Elf do something different, learn about the ship or just play pranks on some of the innocent crew mates. But him being here as not been all sun shine and rainbows, Trip and Dad have seem to become distant from me. When I see them they avoid me like I have the Plague, but the strange thing is Trip and my father seem to hang out with Baelfire more, and more each day which surprised me seeing as when ever we are together they make it their life's mission to avoid us at all cost. Seriously Trip threw himself overboard just to get away from us when we got too close. Guess who had to jump in and go after him.

But on a lighter note no sign of the flying demon with the great eyebrows. He seem to have gone M.I.A since our first meeting. His island seems to have gone dormant as well. "Swan...SWAN" Elf said snapping me out of my daze. Blinking a couple of times I turn to him. "Yeah Elf" I answered a small smile settling on my face. Rubbing the back of his neck he gave me a small grin. "I think your my sister" he mumbled really fast, his cheeks turning slightly red. I let out a small giggle love filling my heart. "I think of you as my older brother Elf" I then threw myself at him wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. Letting out a booming laugh Elf slightly pulled away.

"I got something for you" he said a grin lighting up his whole face. I gasped putting my hands on my cheeks. "You didn't" he nodded and pulled a small box out of his pocket.

Before handing it to me with a nervous look on his face. Grinning at him I lightly took the velvet red box from his hands. "When, and where did you even get this?" I questioned throwing him a confused look, my eyebrows drawing together.

"It was my mothers" he answered quietly his eyes going glassy. "She wanted to give it to her first born girl, but that never happened so I'm giving it to you" letting out a small sob I once again threw my arms around him. "You don't have to give this to me" I said my voice coming out more muffled then intended. He shook his head "but your my sister, so I want you to have it".

Letting him go I draw back slightly and look at the box. Running my fingers over the soft material I finally got the courage to open the lid. Inside was the most beautiful anklet I had ever seen in my life. It was a simple golden chain with an golden anchor on it. I let out a small sequel and flung myself at Elf.

"Its so beautiful, I love it" Letting him go I looked back down at the box, holding onto it so tight that my knuckles where turning white, I was holding it like it would disappear at any moment.

Picking it up gently I slipped my right shoe of and put it on. "I swear I am never taking this off" I vowed turning my head from my foot to Elf to sat there smiling at me. "Thank god" he said wiping fake sweat from his brow "I thought I was going to have force you to wear it" letting out a laugh I looked back down at my foot. It really was beautiful.

Latter on that evening I was sitting up in our crows nest when I heard some commotion from the deck below. Peering over the edge I look to see five or six boys wearing mud stain clothing. Gasping I looked to the side of the ship to see a small boat tied up on the side. "What do they want" I mumbled to myself under my breath.

My dad was in front of the boys looking grief stricken. 

"Its a deal" my dads voice rang across the ship. What was a deal? my question was suddenly answered by the high pitched screams of Baelfire who was being dragged off the ship by two of the teenaged boys. Acting with thinking I jumped off of the birds nest and grabbed to an near by rope with one hand grabbing my sword with my other. Landing with a flip if front of the two boys who held Baelfire I raised it getting ready for a fight.

The two boys look at each other before smirking at me. "What are you doing?" I demanded my tone dark and icy. The two boys said nothing, my eyes flashed over to Baelfire silently asking if he was okay. He nodded, scanning his body I saw a rug sack on his shoulder. "You leaving?" I asked my voice coming out more sad then it was supposed to be. He nodded his head, I looked down slightly my arm coming down to rest at my sides. Looking up again I stared him straight in the face. "By choice?" he shook his head, looking over at my father he looked semi guilty and angry. Letting out a huff I felt disappointment fill me "your letting him go?" I muttered taking a step forward towards my father, nodding he looked down. 

I looked over at my friend, my best friend, my brother. Looking at the teenaged boys to held him I once again lifted my sword. "You can't take him" I hissed a determined look over taking my features. "And what makes you so sure of that?" one of the boys asked, looking over at him I saw he had a long scar down his face and a club resting on his shoulder. "I would rather die then lose family".

he chuckled and took a couple of threating steps towards me. "I would like to see you try" before I could charge at him my fathers voice rang out "Ivy!" he yelled. I stopped and started at him. "Just stop it" he said is voice coming out gruff. "No, I would rather shoot myself in the face then let anything happen to this family" and with thoes final words and went to charge at the boy. Looking around I saw him and the rest of the boys with Baelfire. "No" I whispered. Looking down I picked up the two necklaces that hanging over my heart. The locket and two mermaids. Glancing down at my wrist I touched the bracelt that my father gave me with a simple raven charm on it. Then finally down to the ancklet I was wearing, the one my brother gave me. Looking up I made eye contact with my father.

"I will never forgive you for this, but do know I love you" and with those departing words I dove into the ocean and my last image was Baelfire staring at me with wide eyes.

And before I hit the water I heard my dad behind me yell my name 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2017 ⏰

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