Chapter 2 - Rambling and Girl-Next-Door

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Chapter 2 - Rambling and Girl-Next-Door

He never understood mothers, they were always so annoying, he got that they went through pregnancy and blah dih bah she would nag him about homework, about finishing his food, about every, little, thing she could find to comment on, they were all like happy, little Snape's. 'Ewww what a disturbing thought My father 'pro-creating' with Snape' Not that he actually thought about things like that, at all. It's just when they start going all PMS on you when you know for a fact it's not their time of month, even his past accomplishments were annoying bints, so needy, so clingy. The thought alone made him shudder. In all honesty he only dated them for the sake of his reputation.

It's not like he actually earned his reputation. It was all thanks to Pansy Parkinson, apparently they went on a date and Draco spent about 50,000 galleons on it. 'As if I would waste that much money on a girl' Since the lie all the girls have been flocking to Draco, on the hopes of a 50,000 galleon date and gift. To be honest Draco was quite picky with his girls he tried so hard to just choose the most respectable women but even they nagged him about his hair. 'It's my hair, I can slick it back if I want to!!'

A pop, interrupted Draco from his random thoughts, as a house-elf with bright blue eyes, the size of tennis-balls and wide elephantine ears, popped in "Lord and Lady Malfoy are awaiting your presence as soon as possible at the Garden Gazebo Master Malfoy" squeaked the tiny house-elf. "Thanks Binky, you can tell them that I will be there in five" said the young Malfoy boy knowing that his bedroom was 9 flights of stairs and twenty rooms away from the Garden. "Yes master" replied the sweet, creature as she popped back to her other Masters.

He rushed down the astronomical flights of stairs of the Manor, abruptly stopping at the main entrance leading to the Garden, giving himself 1 minute to calm his breathing and straightening out his clothes before passing through the only barrier between him and his.

As he took in and enjoyed the atmosphere of the lovely weather, his eyes searched for the Glass Gazebo that his parents were taking shelter in, no wonder they were all so pale, not enough Vitamin D, not that the Malfoy's probably knew what it was.

As Draco joined them in their shelter he acknowledged their presence with a curt nod as did the two other regal Malfoy's returned his actions. Draco took this as permission to speak first "You asked for me Father, Mother?" Narcissa spoke next as a sad smile graced her features, "Your Father and I have been in touch with the Minisitry and it seems a rather distressing Law has been passed..."

She trailed off willing her husband to continue with a pointed look on her face as Draco stared at his father expectantly with a nod he opened his mouth, "We cannot tell you what the Law entails exactly, you will find that out for yourself when you return for your last year at Hogwarts, we know it is a silly thing to call you for seeing as you were most probably in your bedroom, but we just wanted you to know that whatever happens, you will keep calm, we will support you throughout the time the Law takes into action and most importantly do not let it get into the way of pursuing your dreams, I know that just two days ago I was rambling about you taking over the Malfoy Industries, but your mother and I talked about it and we could always give it to your Cousin Taurus, if you want be a Healer or...or...or an Auror then that's fine with me, I don't want you to turn out like me, following a psychopathic murderer then realising 20 years later that you were working with the wrong people..."

Soon enough Draco was getting annoyed with his fathers rambling and interrupted him, which, mind you he had not done since he was 11 years old when he was first boarding Hogwarts Express. "Dad!! Calm down" He had not called Lucius 'Dad' since he was 11 as well, when he was first boarding the Hogwarts Express. "Your rambling again you've not done that since I was 11 when I was about to go to Hogwarts, I've never seen you so worked up!!"

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