Chapter I

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// Hey guys, here's the first chapter, i hope you'll like it, don't forget to give me your opinions in the comments and like it 

lots of love xoxo J //

7:10 am,

That's when I usually wake up. Let's just say that I'm probably the laziest person you'll ever meet, let me bet you're denying it, right? Well let me explain to you how my brain and body works, school starts at 7:45am, I stay in my bed till 7:20/25am scrolling through my phone and then I finally get up so I can put my clothes on and leave at 7:30am. I barely eat breakfast because nobody wakes up to make it and I'm not going to bother making it because it takes time and effort, two things that I don't have in the morning.

Anyway, like a typical day, I'm here, laying in my bed, wondering and blaming myself on why I slept till 1:00 am, but who can blame me, YouTube videos just keep me so entertained!

After blaming myself, I finally get the courage to wake up, and leave my bed which let me tell you made me feel so sad, because you know that feeling you have when you know that you're leaving heaven to go to hell well that was me when I got up! I put a t-shirt with the Arctic Monkey's logo on, I wouldn't consider myself as a fan since I only heard two songs but their logo is just so beautiful, my favorite pair of jeans and some blue vans. Put my backpack over my shoulder and went to wait under the bus station.

You're probably asking yourself why the fuck does she have to take the bus? Aren't you supposed to have your driver license since you're 17? Well yes and no, I did take my driver license test but I completely failed it, and to be honest I don't truly mind because I wouldn't be able to drive this early in the morning, my brain isn't functioning yet. Plus, I can enjoy in peace my music so it's pretty cool.

After the 15 minutes drive, we finally arrived to Wilson HS, to be honest it's a huge school, and I don't know why, all the bitchy people and the assholes ended up here when they could've ended in the other high schools in my area! But no, let's just make these 4 years for Jane the most annoying ones ever.

I arrived to my locker, and you know in those romantic stories, the main character would always end up having someone waiting for them impatiently by their locker because they're so loved! Well suck my fat ass because here, in my reality, nobody was waiting for me, I don't even know if people know that I exist. Wait, let me rephrase this, my entourage knows that I exist, but do they truly care about me? I don't think so!

And of course just like any typical day, I would end up starting the day with Math, because god knows how much I love math, you know, all those equations! I hope you noticed the sarcasm, I mean who the fuck thought that it would be a great idea to put letters in math equations? I thought math worked with numbers, if I wanted to use letters I would've studied literature.

You're probably thinking that I'm a grumpy person, which isn't totally false, I mean I sure am really grumpy and can get angry real easy, but I can also be one of the happiest person you'll ever meet, I mean I'm the type of person that can laugh for the smallest thing, so yeah I guess that sums me up pretty good.

My thoughts were easily cuts by the second bell ringing.

"Shit, I'm going to be late to class, I can't be late, I'll end up having another detention and my parents won't be too happy about it" I muttered to myself.
I took my math book and two pencils and started running when I bumped into something hard that made me fall and hit my head pretty bad...

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