The Staircase (Chapter 22)

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Hey guys!!...Author's note down under!...=D


The Staircase

Chapter Twenty-Two

"Wow" was all Aliza could say. Nana smiled at her.

"Yes, well it leaves quite an impression on girls. I hope you girls enjoyed it as well." They all nodded, politely smiling back.

Mishal looked at Noor, raising an eyebrow as if telling her to say something. Noor looked down at her hands, as if examining them for the first time.

"Well, if that's all dear. I would like to go and get some rest." Nana got up from her seat.

"Wait, Nana" Mishal spoke getting up as well. "Actually there was something else I wanted to ask you." Nana signalled her to come closer. When Mishal did, Nana asked her,

"What would that be?" Mishal looked back at Noor and Aliza who were now standing a couple steps behind her. She looked back at Nana.

"Nana, If I told you that Ahmed was still around, that his ghost or something was haunting the staircase, would you believe us?" An unreadable expression came across Nana's face, like a cross between a frown and fear. But Mishal thought she must have imagined it because as soon as she saw it, it was gone replaced by just a frown.

"What are you talking about my dear?"

"Nana, Ahmed is still around us in this world, he didn't leave when he died. He's still with us." Nana looked like she didn't understand what Mishal just said.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Nana said and began to walk away, "because if it is I really don't appreciate you girls making a mockery of a lovers death."

"No, Nana!" Noor spoke, wanting her to know, "It's not a joke. Ahmed is real! I've seen him with my own two eyes. I've heard him with my own ears. And it's driving me insane!" Nana looked at the girls like she was looking at ghosts and then she began shaking her head.

"Please Nana, Noor isn't lying." Aliza began, "She really has seen him."

"Girls, you must be imagining things. There is no way Ahmed can be real. He died along with the house dears."

"But he is real, his ghost is there to turn me mad. Nana I'm not crazy to make such a thing into a joke." Noor looked at Nana, with pleading eyes. Nana stared at her and then towards Aliza and Mishal. Her eyes held secrets which they couldn't read, yet knew that hers' could see into the depth of their souls.

"My dear," Nana began with a serious yet calming look, "there is absolutely nothing to fear in this world. When our mind decides something is to be feared, you are afraid of it more than death its self, while infact fear is the only thing to be afraid of.

"But the thing which creates this fear is our mind. Our mind is a dangerous thing, for creating such illusions, that we believe them to be true."

Nana places a hand on Noors shoulder and looking her straight in the eye, "Don't let you're mind consume you into your fears." She placed a hand on Noors cheek and smiled.

"Noor, maybe you need to relax a bit, often when a person is stressed they imagine things to divert their attention from what is bothering them. You are young my child, you don't need to take life so seriously yet. Relax, go out to places. Enjoy life for the ticking seconds won't return." Saying so she went into her room, leaving an utterly confused room of girls.

"Well, that was kinda useless." Aliza muttered loud enough for Noor and Mishal to hear. They were standing outside Nana's house waiting for Fahad.

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