The First Skype Call

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Hellooo, I'm really new to this, give me a break XD

It's also been a while since I've written anything at all, but I hope this turns out well, and all that. 

If you have any suggestions for the next kind of episode thingy, Idk, all of these are not canon to each other.  (actually, they kind of are, at least The Flight is.)

Welp, if you want me to do another Youtuber as well, comment that below as well, and I might do it! :) 

Hope you enjoy! :D (Btw, while I was writing this, I got so sh00k because Jack posted a photo on Instagram, LOL)

You nervously waited, as the Skype call rang, waiting for Sean to pick up. Your heart was thumping, you were unsure of what to say when he answered. What if you freaked out? What if you fan-girled so hard that he felt awkward, and uncomfortable, meaning he would never talk to you again? Oh no, what do you do? You were finally going to be able to meet your internet role model! All because of an Omegle chat! 

You stared at your screen, not sure how long it had been ringing by now. You looked down towards your feet in the chair. You knew he was going to pick up. 

"Hey there!" A friendly voice echoed into your head phones. You snapped your head up quickly and looked to see Sean's bright green hair, and light blue eyes, and bearded chin. Sitting in front of you, a happy smile on his face. You blushed hard, and turned on your camera for him to see you.

"H-hey," You nervously started, messing with your (H/C) hair. "It's n-nice to finally m-meet you." You stammered, you were so nervous and awkward. You were just shocked to hear him talk to you specifically. 

"Are ya nervous?" He questioned, by his facial expression, he didn't seem to understand why. "It's okay! I'm not going to bite ya, well, I can't even if I wanted to." His smile grew a bit more, to his bright grin. 

You giggled quietly, and stared up into your camera. "Good to k-know." You tried to act normal, his "joke" some what easing the tension.

"I can't believe I finally get to meet ya! I've been hopin' to talk to ya for a while now!" Sean tried to ease more tension, and it worked pretty well.

You felt flustered that he wanted to meet you. You were also startled about how cute his Irish accent is, even though you knew it pretty well. You smiled, as your face started to feel hot. You glanced to the side, and realized how much of a mess your room was. You blushed more, trying not to think about it. 

"So, it's kind o' awkward that I don't even know your name yet! What's your name?" Sean started a conversation, and was going to keep it rolling, he was the one who wanted to do this, but you knew you wanted to do it as well. 

"(Y/N), it's (Y/N)." 

"(Y/N)," Sean repeated, as if he was amazed. "What a precious name!" 

You blushed hard, not sure how to accept the compliment. "T-thanks." 

You couldn't believe that you were talking to THE JackSepticEye! After a while of conversation, you felt exhausted, Sean was so energetic, it came as a shock that he really was this bouncy all the time. You glanced at the time on your computer, realizing that it was 4 am. It was only 10 am for Sean. 

Sean examined your face for a brief second, "Are ya gettin' tired?" He asked, not aware of the time it was for you. 

"A little.." You yawned during your response, not helping your case. 

"What time is it for ya?"

"Only.. 4 am..." You glanced down a bit, and then back at Sean.

Sean didn't seem to phased, he probably stayed up late all the time. "You should head to bed." His Irish accent adding a little bounce to his words. It made you a bit happy just to hear his voice. 

You nodded, "Yeah, maybe I should." You were reluctant to hang up the call, you were having so much fun with Jack! Why do you have to live so far apart! It's so frustrating! Jack smiled at you as the call ended, you felt almost empty without him. You just started to know him personally, and you already relied on him. You sighed, how is this going to work? 

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