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Tomorrow is the day. The day I finally get to rip King Midas' life apart. The day I get to see that smug smile be wiped permanently off his face. The day I get my revenge. Tomorrow, will be the day I finally win.

The weather had gotten a bit rough so I set up a little camp fire in the midst of the tall woods. I had other errands to run outside the kingdom and won't be able to make it home on foot tonight. No worries. Tomorrow morning I'll grab a carriage back to the tavern, clean myself up, finish necessary preparations (I've already instructed Eryn on what needed to be done), and head off to the palace in the evening. I'm basically giving Midas and his wife the whole day to hunt for names. Quite generous, I know.

Feeling giddy, I hopped and danced around the fire all while humming a happy little tune. Heck, why not put in lyrics to the song? Ooh, I know! Oh this is fun! I sang it out loud:

"Hocus pocus dance and sing
First a necklace then a ring
Riddles and magic are my game

I clamped my hand over my mouth just then. I moved my eyes left, then right, then left again. I can't risk saying it out loud. What if someone is listening? I know Midas has been sending his people out to search for every name they could possibly find in the land. And I also know they are usually out all day and all night too! Knowing him, he probably sent spies after me. They just might be hiding in the shadows of the forest listening, watching for me to slip up. Well I'm not going to let THAT happen. But I really want to sing my song. I think it is really good. I could whisper it. Or better yet, I'll whisper the song, and MOUTH my name very quietly, almost silent. That way there is absolutely NO chance of anyone hearing it. But wait....what if they were to read my lips? It's a remarkable ability some people have, but it won't do me any good. WAIT. I will whisper the song, mouth my name, and while I do that I shall put my hand over my lips so no one can see. Perfect.

"Hocus pocus dance and sing
First a necklace then a ring
Riddles and magic are my game
R_________ is my name."

I giggled gleefully as I danced around, thinking up more lyrics for my song. Turns out, I was right to believe Midas would send spies, because I eventually caught one nestled between the bushes. Poor fool stepped on a branch and snapped it. I caught him and asked if he knew what my name was. Fearfully, he said he could not hear nor see. I then smashed his head against the nearest tree trunk, even though I believed he wouldn't be a threat to me. It was just out of spite. Teehee.


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