Amyplier Christmas

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((All art by @Floating_Megane on Twitter))

I stretched and yawned, clad in my winter pajamas and messy hair, I trotted to the bathroom. The sound of running water and hot steam greeted me as I entered, a welcome relief from the cold, crisp winter air of the Christmas morning.

I got busy brushing my teeth, when I heard the water shut off and my favorite buff doof poke his bright red tipped hair out from the curtain.

Mark flashed me a warm smile and gestured to the towel on the rack. "Hey Amy, since you're here would you mind handing me the towel?"

I managed an "Mm-hm." foamy toothbrush still in my mouth as I picked up the fluffy towel and placed it in his hand.

"Thank you, you're the best." He spoke cheerfully as he stepped out, drying himself.

I spat into the sink and rinsed out my mouth. From the clatter, I can already hear coming from the kitchen, it would seem that Mark's mother already needs help preparing Christmas dinner.

After getting ourselves ready, the both of us went down to help out with the holiday events. It wasn't long before I found myself stirring the gravy pot, unaware of a prowling Markimoo, sneaking up behind me.

His arms enveloped me from behind, his Christmas sweater creating some static with my own matching Christmas sweater, that his mom wanted us to wear, as his firm build pressed against the back of me. "You're supposed to stir counter clockwise too." His warm voice brushed against my ear and I smiled.

"I had your mom on me most of the morning about cooking all day, don't do the same thing."

He chuckled, his soft lips brushing against my neck in a warm, tender kiss which sent shivers down my spine. It didn't end there; his warm, wet tongue began gliding up my neck. I tilted my head, letting him get away with it for a bit and then I shy away as soon as he nibbled on my ear.

I turned pointing the stirring spoon at him, "Hey, keep it PG, there are children in the other room." I playfully scolded him about his various arriving nieces and nephews in the living room.

He laughed softly and took the spoon away, setting it aside as he pulled me close to him. We shared a smile, until he brought his hand up. His index finger held a small bit of whipped cream, which he dabbed on my nose saying, "Boink." in a high squeak before licking it off his finger and running off towards the children and other family.

A bit surprised by the display, I stepped back, wiping the foreign stuff from my nose before giving a playful little pout and giving chase.

"Help, she's gonna get me." He shouted at the kids as he ran behind a group of them ducking down and pretending he's hiding.

I entered to a room full of giggles, putting my hands on my hips and joining in the fun with a fake stern look. "Hey guys, you would have happened to see where Uncle Mark went?"

Some answered that he wasn't here and a few boys pointed at where he's hiding. "Hmmm, oh dear, oh dear." I gave a little huff as I began walking around the room, inching closer to Mark. "If he's not here, that means I'll get all his presents!"

Mark shot up giving an exaggerated gasp, much to the children's amusement. "Not all my presents!"

"She found you Uncle Mark!" "Run!" The kids shouted as he clasped his hands to his cheeks in feigned terror.

"Oh no!" He turned tail and I gave a playful sneer and went after him again. It was merry, joyful and full of the laughter of children. More relatives, including Mark's mother who had just put the ham in the oven, came out to watch us entertain the kids.

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