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(Haeun POV)

4 months later....

I woke up and saw my room ceiling.How can I'm here?Does Jimin put me here?I sit up and went to the bathroom.As I'm done taking shower,I put on my black oversized tee and black short jeans and put on my fave grey hoodie.I took my phone and earphone and went downstairs."Seokjin oppa,you have practice today right?",I asked."Yeah why?",he asked."Can I come too?I want to see you guys dancing.",I asked."Yeah sure,why not.",he said."Yay,thanks.I love you.",I cheered.He chuckled.

Seokjin oppa and I walked into the dance room but there's only Taehyung oppa and Yoongi oppa in here."Where's the rest?",I asked."They still in the dorm.",Taehyung oppa said.I just nodded."Oh Haeun-ssi,do you know how to dance?",Yoongi oppa asked."No,I don't.",I lied."She do.She won first place in dance competition at the kindergarten.",Seokjin oppa said.They both amazed at me.I just blushed."Haeun,dance something...",Taehyung oppa suggested."Dance to your favourite song.",Yoongi oppa requested."I'll dance to Twice Cheer Up.Oppa,play that song please...",I said.As Nayeon's intro part started,I dance to the choreography and I ended with Nayeon's chorus part.I heard claps from the back.I turned around and saw the rest members clapped their hands.Jimin mouthed 'you did well babe',I just blushed.

They started to dance.They dance to Blood Sweat & Tears.That song is their new song.Seokjin oppa replace Jungkook's position for a while.As Taehyung oppa part came,the rest members will lay down and lift their hips.Whoa..Jimin oppa is so hot.My cheeks getting red.I've seen their MV.I fangirled a lot when Jimin oppa's armpit was exposed.Their outifts too hot to handle.I liked the video a lot.Hahaa...As they finished,they wiped their sweat and I passed them mineral water and lastly I gave to Jimin oppa.He took it and drank it.I took his mini towel and wiped his sweat with it."Thanks jagiya...",he said.I smiled."Haeun-ah,do you remember when you accidentally slipped the bottles and I help you picked the bottles up?",he asked and I nodded."Why?",I asked."Since that,I have fallen for you.",he said.I just smiled."Okay guys,let's practice more.This time,we need to practice to Boy Meets Evil.Hoseok and Jimin.",Namjoon oppa said.They stood at their position and started to dance.I can see they both are really good in dance.I watched and noticed Jimin kinda look pale,but I shrugged off.As the song almost end,Jimin collapsed."Jimin!!!",I rushed into him.

I cried hard as I heard what the doctor said.Why did he didn't tell me?Why must be suffered this alone?


The doctor came out of his ward with a big sigh."How's Jimin?",Seokjin oppa asked."Actually,Jimin has a serious disease.I don't know you guys know or not...but seems like he kept this thing alone.",the doctor said."What is it?",I asked."Jimin has brain tumour stage 3...",he said making me burst into tears.

End flashback....

Jimin oppa,please stay strong...I don't want to lose you.Hoseok oppa walked out of Jimin's ward and asked me to visit Jimin.I walked inside and saw Jimin laying weakly in the bed.He's sleeping.I sit on the chair next to his bed.I held his hands tightly.I tried not to cry."Jimin oppa,I know you're strong.Please survive for your fans .For your friends.For your family.For ME.",I said.But,Jimin still sleeping."I'll love you as much as you love me.",I said as I feel my eyes getting heavier.I fell asleep.

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