WEI 웨이

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"All ready?" You heard someone say behind your locker door. You shut the door to reveal Wei stood there, grinning to you. You smiled to him and nodded as you looked your locker. "Did you have a good day?" He asked you as you walked down the corridor together. You nodded to him and asked him the same. He held up his thumbs and grinned happily. As you walked down the corridor, a group of girls walked past you and one of them knocked you to the side. Wei caught you and put his arm around your waist. "Did they push you?" Wei asked you. You sighed and shook your head. "I must have bumped into one of them...” You stuttered awkwardly.

You were stood waiting for the bus with Wei happily when you noticed the group of girls from earlier walking up. You rolled your eyes to yourself but one of them noticed you and gave you a dirty look. The bus soon arrived and they boarded first and took the row of the seats at the back. There were no seats left so you and Wei stood together as you held onto the handbar above you. Wei held your hand tightly and balanced both of you as the bus started off again. You glanced up and met eye contact with the girls at the back. You sighed quietly and suddenly Wei moved infront of you and blocked your view. You looked up, and smiled at him as he looked down and kissed you on your forehead. ”Ignore them" He whispered into your ear.

It was finally your stop and you quickly left the bus after saying bye to Wei. You began walking when you heard a small chuckle behind you, and you swung around to find Wei following you. "But your stop is the next one?!" You said confused. He laughed, "Wow. It took you longer than I thought to realise I was behind you." You smiled and he walked up beside you. "Let's go do something fun!” He cheered out excitedly. "I know you're not in a good mood today." He said as he walked infront of you and crouched down. "Come on. I know how much you like piggy backs." He said as he tapped his shoulder. You cried out happily and jumped on his back as he lifted you up. "Hold on!” He shouted out as he began running with you while you screamed.

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