Senior Year at AAMU

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London in the mm

August 10, 2014


"Alright baby, come give mama a hug, I'm leaving."

As I walked across the dorm room to my mom, I picked up one of pillows off a chair and threw it on the bed. Once I reached my mom, she threw her arms around me.

"Bye my baby, be safe."

"Bye mama."

She released me and looked into my eyes with tears in her eyes. She has done this every year on move in day and it's my senior year of college at Alabama A&M University.

"This is your last year baby."

"I know then I'll be headed to med school!"

"I'm so proud of you. So, so proud of you." Her hands reached up to my face and wiped tears I didn't even know were falling.

"Thank you, that means a lot." She stared at me for a few seconds before releasing my face and stepping back.

"Alright I'm leaving now, I love you."

"I love you too."

Closing my dorm room door after her, I proceeded to look around my apartment style dorm room that was right down the street from campus. I need to make sure everything is put up before Janaé and Taya get here in two weeks. It would have to get done after practice tomorrow.

"Where is my phone?" I mumbled out loud to myself. I started rambling through my room until I found it under the pillow I threw on my bed earlier. In the process of throwing everything off the bed so I could get in it, my phone rang.

"Wassup coach?"

"Hey captain! All settled in your dorm? How you like it?"

"It's nice, lonely cause Nae and Tay aren't here yet but I'll deal."

"Well you'll be around all your dance sisters tomorrow, bright and early."

"Still don't see why practice starts at 5am." I mumbled.

"Because the Dancin Divas set the standard and you especially have to be on point, captain. You'll be in front so you have to be perfect even though I have no worries that you will be."

"Perfect is a strong word."

"That's why I used it. I'll see you tomorrow doll."

Before I could even respond, I got the dial tone. Rude bitch.

The next morning, 4:45am

"Alright ladies, come around, lets have a chat before we start practice." I rolled my eyes and went and sat in the circle with my coach in the middle. It's too early to be giving anybody a lecture.

"Dancing divas 2014-2015 season. I expect nothing but great from all of you this season. To my newest divas, I always tell the girls that we set the standard. When you put on maroon and white, you have to be closest to perfection as you can get. We strive for greatness as well as I want you to have fun. I will critique you all the time but that's only because I want you to be the best you can be."

Blah blah blah I thought. I hear this same speech every year and every year we still have girls that slack and coach expects me to correct them, which I do. I genuinely love this team and want the best for them, but only if they want to be the best.

"... and now our captain, London will tell you about herself and this season."

Everyone's attention turned to me after she said that.

"Well, for the new divas, my name is London and I am a senior here at AAMU studying nursing. I've been a diva since freshman year and I've been dancing since I was a kid. I'm not as harsh as coach Amber, but I do want our team to be the best. Ladies remember, you were chosen out of all the girls who auditioned by coach and myself, so we know you have it in you to be the best, but with that being said, I know this is college. Especially for the freshman, do not let these boys, parties, drinking or drugs distract you or get you acting a fool because let's be real,"

"You will be CUT from this team if I have to deal with any bullshit."

I cut my eyes at coach who just smiled at me then gave a stern look to the rest of the girls.

"She didn't have to say it like that but that is true, we do make cuts if needed. We also will have you sit out of games if there is any issue that may not need an immediate cut. But ladies, here's to a great 2014-2015 school year! Now let's get up and start warming up."

Practice continued on and on... and on and on until 1- lunch time.

"Alright ladies, break for lunch. You have an hour and a half, meet back here at 2:30. London, let me talk to you before you go."

She stood by my bag and I walked over to her, grabbing it and pulling my phone out.

Missed calls (4)

Mama: Hey love bug, I know you're in practice but call me after! Call Kion's mom too, she says she hasn't talked to you. Love you!

Janaé: How's school life going for you? Girlllll let me tell you I have tea for you!

Boodaddy: Meet me at the caf, I know your fat ass is hungry.

"London, you listening?"

"My bad coach I'm not, wassup?"

"What you think about all the girls? Do we need to cut anybody yet?"

"No, they're all good, but look I gotta go. I'll be back around 2:15 ok? Bye coach!"

Shit shit shit.

Running out of practice and into pouring rain is not fun but if there's food involved, I'm ok with it. The only thing is, people act like they don't know how to drive in rain, so a 5 minute drive turned into 10, but I finally made it to the cafeteria, which was not crowded since nobody was really here yet.

Now where is Gemini?

Before I could turn around, arms wrapped around me from the back and his scent filled my nose.

"Hey love." I turned around and there's stood Gemini, towering over my 5'1 frame.

"Hey boo."

"C'mon, I got chicken wings."

My favorite thing to hear after a long practice. I followed behind him until we reached a table in the corner by the TV that hung on the wall that was currently showing football highlights from last year. They were talking about the MVP from last year- Kion.

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