Alternate Ending 2

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Hisface so close to mine, I became frightened but then the police cameinto the room, but the weird thing is they took me, they attacked mebut why, I took one last glimpse at darkness and the bodies.

"WHYDID YOU KILL THEM?" He yelled for the thousandth time.

"I-Ididn't it was the tall figure in there with me" I cried, and mytherapist walked in.

"Inever thought it would go this far, I'm sorry officer but Janeshe's skitzofranic" He said

"H-H-Howam I skitzofranic, wouldn't I know?" She asked

"Janeeven we don't fully understand it, and after he said, then Ifainted.

Iwoke up and the room was on fire I held a lighter and the back of ametal chair, darkness stood at my side and I laughed, I laughedinsanely as Darkness stood smiling, this was blissful.

Helloreader, Jane was taking to a mental facility for the criminallyinsane and later died there yelling about how he was her, how he'dnever leave, how her best-friend meant everything. The facilitycaught fire and no one made it out alive, it was a strange fire noevidence found, the fire was spontaneous and happened in the dead know they built a house over the rubble and sometimes youcan hear the laughter of two people, one is demonic and another isgirly, and just strange.

Ifyou wonder how Jane accomplished this let me clarify. Jane when underher spell of insanity would gag the victims so no sound would comeout, she would then kill them and hide the bodies no one had everactually seen it was her imagination, the voice in her head wasn'treal...or maybe it was just a piece of her trying to escape all Iknow is that I survived from the one thing I know is true, and I oweit all to Mary.


        BethanyRoberts (Beth)

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