Chapter 2.5 The First Girl

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Dan is not in control of his body when he run the short distance to hug her. He remembered that Layla hates bear hugs but it did not matter at that moment. She don't seem to mind it either.  He is aware of his own heavy breathing. It maybe a dream but  she felt, smelt, looked like the same, prettier even, as he remembered. He enjoys the same dream so many times but not as concrete as this. This dream is so real the he is starting to believe it is. 

 God, how he missed her. He stopped short to study her face. She was crying her eyes out.

 In his blurry memories of the accident, he was holding her hands. While all the people is panicking as the plane is plunging on its fall, they were looking at each other's eyes. They both knew they would die no matter how the pilot and the crews in the plane say otherwise. At the last moments, he is tearing up. She wiped it down with her thumb and kissed his forehead. That is his last memory of her.

When he remember this he realizes how pathetic he was. He was supposed to do that, not the other way around.

So now, to make up for what he did, he cleared her tears with his thumb and kissed her forehead. The way it should be on the first time.

This made her smile. And she kissed him briefly.

"I am dreaming, right?" she said.

Hearing her voice again made him smile. "No, I am dreaming." 

Her  next words shocked him. "But you died, Danny." When he didn't answer, she continued. "On that plane crash." Her voice cracked and this break his heart. Her hands roams in his face like trying to remember him this way. "You looked the same. You don't have scars though. The crash burned parts of you. It was maddening. Surviving alone on that Island, looking at all the corpse, looking at you," she swallowed, "I never survived, Dan. They thought I did but I don't."

They stared at each other for what seems an eternity. In Dan's head something clicked. Dan felt that he is starting to realize what's going on. 

"How long am I dead?" He tried to smile, reassuringly.

"It's been ten years, Dan."

Her answer confirms his disbelief. This isn't a dream. He was not in the future either, not exactly. Because it was her who died on his past. But this girl infront of her lost Dan.

He was in an alternate universe. A Paradox. 

He smiled on the impossibility of this. Paradox travelling? Ever heard of that?

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