Romantic Killing

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Hello readers, this random scenario is dedicated to LaughingDeathWolf. She gave me the idea and the names. Warning: Slight gore at beginning and end.
"The stars are so pretty" I whispered, listening to the sounds of the knife cutting through the skin and the sound of blood dripping to the ground. I'm standing watch outside of the alley where my boyfriend is killing tonight's first victim, Kevin.
I'm leaning against the wall outside the front doors of Blue Tiger Private Academy waiting for my friends, when the doors open releasing my friends. They were surrounding Mr. Popular, Kevin Fey.
   He had white highlights in his black hair which fell in front of his glowing blue eyes. Everyone, except Carl and I, loves him. They all see a kind and caring football captain, though I know better. He's a lying, cheating, jackass, who would do anything short of killing to get what he wants, as long as he does not get caught.
   My friends leave Kevin and walk over to me. We're about to leave when Kevin calls me over. I tell my friends to go as I walk over to him.
"What do you want?" I asked when I got there.
"What, no hi." He remarked.
"Ugh, hi, there happy, now answer the question." I snapped at him.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out later. We could go catch a movie if you want." Kevin inquired.
"I can't because, one I don't want to, and two I'm hanging out with my BOYFRIEND later." I answered.
"Aw, come on how long are you going to hate me?" He asked.
"You kissed me in front of my boyfriend, JUST TO GET YOUR GIRLFRIEND JELOUS!" I said raising my voice.
"And I would love to do it again." He said flirtously.
Before I knew what was happening, he was kissing me AGAIN! As I was trying to push him off, I saw my boyfriend. He walked over pissed, and grabbed the back of Kevin and throw him across the parking lot.
"What the hell , Carl!" Kevin exclaimed.
"Yea, so what are you going to do about it?" Kevin asked smugly.
"This" was all Carl said before he punched Kevin in the face.
~~~End of Flashback~~~
"Hey, Cutie." Carl said snapping me out of the flashback.
"Hey babe."
"This is for you."
He handed me Kevin's heart, with his intestine wrapped around it in a bow.

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