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Kara smiled to herself after eating another doughnut thinking of her and Lena could do for the weekend, they both had off for once. She thought that they could get ready for the day and maybe go for a walk and lunch, and go shopping Kara needed new jeans and maybe she'd treat Lena to something new she wants.
Sighing Kara sits down and takes off her glasses and rubs her eyes, she wonders if that's the right thing to do, though, recently Lena has been slightly different. She's been working longer hours which isn't normally a problem because Kara is normally busy fighting crime but Lena is normally always home when she's finished for the night and they cuddle up in bed, but recently Lena has been working longer hours even when Kara is home and normally Lena would jump at a chance to spend more time with her.
Lunches were being missed too and Kara understood because Lena is a CEO and busy but when they started dating 3 years ago the brunette would do anything to see Kara, make up any excuse to be able to see her whether it was for 10 minutes or 10 hours but now it was any excuse to not be around Kara. The blonde woman started to think it was because she was Supergirl so she decided to not stay as long at the DEO after missions but that changed nothing. Kara hoped that today things would change.

The sudden vibrate of a phone pulls Kara's attention and she looks down at the table and notices Lena's phone poking out, Kara isn't one to be nosey so she ignore it and will wait for her girlfriend to get out of the shower to tell her that she got a message but the phone keeps vibrating and Kara takes it out to put it on silent because the vibration really annoys her ears.
When Kara picks up the phone she feels the life drain right out of her and every smile, every laugh, every confession of love suddenly feels fake.
The message is from a women called Elise in bold letters and the message says 'I had such a great time with you last night like I always do we should meet up again :*' and what makes it worse is that Lena has replied saying 'I told you not to message me on here!' Kara closes her eyes trying to keep it together, she opens her eyes slowly to read the next message 'I'm sorry babe just I missed you so much, meet me today?'
Kara feels physically sick, how long has this been going on for, how long has the supposed love of her life been sharing herself with another woman or saying I love you to someone else. How long has she been lied too?
Tears start pouring down the normally strong woman's face, tears marking her skin, her eyes stinging already. She can't remember being in this much pain before her heart feels like someone is holding it and they crushed it so slowly that she was given false hope of survival. Images of her Lena, her girlfriend with another woman is flooding Kara's mind.

Lena walks in full dressed and ready for the day and doesn't notice the tears that have stained her girlfriend's face "Hey have you seen my phone?" Lena asks she only looks up when Kara doesn't reply to her and see's her hunched over the table with closed eyes and tear stains "Kara wat's wrong are you okay? Is Alex okay?" she asks stepping closer "HOW COULD YOU!" Kara shouts and slams her hand down on the table cracking it making Lena jump back and Kara closes her eyes and focuses on her emotions, she can feel the heat radiating behind her eyes and as much s Lena has hurt her she doesn't really want to hurt the other woman. But her anger is taking over, it's bubbling up inside of her making Kara's body feel like it's being taken over by hate. And what makes it worse is that it's for the woman she loves so much, the woman she fought for. She fought to show Alex, J'onn, Winn, James and even Clark that she was different she wasn't going to hurt her or them. Now she just feels foolish.
"What do you mean Kara?" Lena says in a shaking voice. Kara just laughs harshly at her "Oh ou know nothing apart from Elise just wants to know if you want to meet up today, Oh and she also said she had a great time and she wants to do it again" Kara says with a tone that Lena has never heard before and it terrifies her, she's seen Kara be Supergirl, seen her beat up aliens but never did that scare her, this does though.
"Kara please it's not what it looks like I swear!" Lena says as tears start to pour down her face "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE? YOU CHEATED ON ME LENA! HOW LONG?" Kara shouts and anger bubbles up more when Lena doesn't reply "HOW FUCKING LONG LENA!" Lena snaps her head up and cringes because Kara never swears and the look Kara is giving her tells her it's taking everything in Kara not to hurt her. Closing her eyes because she can't look at Kara when she confesses to Kara "Nine months" she whispers and suddenly a plate is being thrown across the room "NINE FUCKING MONTHS! YOU'RE TELLING ME YOU'VE BEEN FUCKING SOMEONE ELSE FOR NEARLY A YEAR, WE'VE SPENT HOLIDAYS TOGETHER, BIRTHDAYS, ANNIVERSARIES AND THEY MEANT NOTHING! NOTHING! NINE MONTHS" the blonde hero shouts and Lena is pretty sure the whole street knows what she's done now.

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