Chapter 2

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Prince Ryde placed onto the counter a small bag of coins, his curiosity had been peaked since meeting the young maiden from the crumbling tower.

He had only managed to learn her name in the past couple of days, but that was all she would say. If he tried to ask anything else, she'd just tap her petite nose and smile.
But regardless from the lack information, Ryde had managed to take note of her personality, she was full of life and no matter what thieves or thugs that attempted to cross them, and no matter how many times he would try and protect her - Like the gentleman he was raised to be - She managed to just jump into action, protecting the both of them. With no armor and hardly any weapons.

Just yesterday, they were walking through the woods just outside the town of Coalton, a well know mining district.
A group of four men approached, walking by in a file to prevent the path from being blocked.
However, one of the thugs had managed to take hold of Ryde’s sword as the past so innocently by.

Luckily, it appeared to him that Izzy had foreseen this and stood in front of the group.
“Return the sword and no one gets hurt.” She said calmly.

The thugs laughed at her, the prince went to take a step forward, knowing if they were to lash, she would most certainly get hurt. As a gentlemen and as a prince, he could not allow that.
However, by the time his hand would have reached her, the young woman had moved herself.
Her small frame moving quickly as her knees and fists, hit and kick the thugs down.

After a few moments, she straightened herself up and took the sword which had managed to be embedded into the Woodlands ground.
“Here.” She said curtly, handing the sword back to the Prince.


Ryde nodded to the woman behind the counter, booking the two, two beds for the night, while he waited to hear of the old innkeeper's room availability, his eyes drifting to the woman behind him, she stood with her back facing him and her face almost buried into the Inns window.
Her multi-coloured hair was scruffily tied up into a ponytail with her blonde fringe falling down over her forehead.

The outside world was dark and chilly. The sun had set hours ago and the pair had walked miles across the land, through lush forests and rocky terrains under the scorching sun.
Izzy’s blue eyes watched the once bustling street quieten down to an empty and practically lifeless street.

“We only have one room I'm afraid… and with that room is just one bed.” The innkeeper's began to apologise to the prince.

“It is quite alright my lady,” Ryde smiled softly, pushing the bag of cash to her. “We'll take it. But might I have a second pillow and blanket? If you have any to spare that is.” He asked.

Izzy’s head turned slightly to him, “Hm..” Her blue eyes watched him for a few seconds, she was testing the waters.
What sort of man is he? Is he good enough for Victoria?
She kept asking herself these questions while thinking about the trouble she was already in.

She peered back to the window, her eyes gazing out.
Outside walked a tall man, his features could barely be seen by the lack of light in the street. But the young woman noticed a slight glimmer to him, his eyes. Even with the lack of light, they seemed to be light up, like small balls of fire.
Izzy took a step back and shut the blinds for the window. She then quickly ran over to the door to the inn and changed the Open sign to Closed.

“Here you go sir,” Said the elderly woman as she held out a brass key on a small wooden block with the number ‘07’ craved in. Ryde took the key.
The old woman smiled sweetly as the young woman joined the prince's side, “I'll bring you up a fresh pillow and blanket up in an hour, oh, My dear boy have you eaten? I'll bring you both what is left in the kitchen from dinner. You both look hungry.” Without another word or an opportunity for the prince to say his thanks, the woman had hobbled off into the back room.

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