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This is mostly being written for my cousin for Christmas, so Merry Christmas, Mavryk!! (And to anyone else, Merry Christmas :) 


Another beautiful day in Desert Bluffs!
But when isn't it a beautiful day? That is the real question.

I was walking around town, my earbuds in my ears while the Desert Bluffs Radio played.

"And that's why you should never drive with your eyes closed!" The voice of Desert Bluffs, Kevin, exclaimed in happiness.

Without Kevin, I don't know what Desert Bluffs would be like! Very different, that's for sure. Everybody loves him, including myself. I had always admired him.

"That'll be all for today, have a wonderful afternoon, Desert Bluffs!" He said, soft music playing after. I pulled my earbuds out, shoving them and my phone into my pocket.

Since I had nothing else to really do today, I decided to go to the only cafe in Desert Bluffs, where I always went when I was bored.

Opening the door, a bell dinging above my head, I waved to the other citizens that were there while walking to the register.

"And how are you today, y/n? Good, I hope!" Jane, the lady at the register and owner of the shop asked. I nodded and smiled, "Pretty good, bored, but good."

She nodded, "I see. The usual?" "Of course, when do you know me to change?" I laughed and walked to a seat near the back while she prepared my order.

It was pretty quiet in the small shop, faint music (which I assumed was the music from the end of Kevin's broadcast) playing in the background.

I pulled out my phone. No Notifications. Of course.

Scrolling through Instagram lazily, liking a few photos here and there, I came across one of Cecil and Carlos from Night Vale, "Getting Married! 💜" captioned on the selfie of the two.
Unlike many people in Desert Bluffs, I actually really like Night Vale, I have a few family members from there as well.

The citizens of Desert Bluffs don't hate Night Vale, 'hate' is a strong word. They just think that the town could use some.. Fixing.
Which I must agree with.

Interrupting my thoughts, the high pitched bell on the door rang, signalling that someone else walked in.

I didn't look up from my phone though, not yet.

Silence, then a gasp from Jane. "Kevin! It's so nice to see you once again!"
That was when I looked up.

Walking to the counter was the man himself, fresh out of the radio station.
Mostly yellow attire, like most of Desert Bluffs, bright smile upon his face and dark eyes like the night that our town hardly ever sees.

"And you, Jane! It has been a while." He smiled at her as he leaned against the counter.

She dinged a bell that was on the counter, a coffee in hand.

"Y/N, your order is ready!" She called and beaconed me to the counter.

"Am I actually going to be this close to Kevin-" I questioned to myself as I slowly walked towards her to retrieve my coffee.

Once I was at the register, I was awfully close to Kevin, and I honestly don't think I'll be able to keep calm much longer.

"That'll be $2.00, y/n." She said to me, and I pulled out my wallet to retrieve the money that I owed her.

"Y/N... That is such a pretty name!" Kevin exclaimed, smiling a large smile down at me.

"He is so tall and handsome, how in the world-" I thought, looking up at him and smiling back as I handed the money to Jane.

"T-Thank you.." I stuttered out, taking my coffee and walking back to my seat.
As I was walking to the back I heard Kevin say his order, then walking behind me.

As I sat down he was walking towards my seat, sitting in the chair in front of me, propping his head onto his hands and smiling at me.

After a few moments of silence, I toughened up and decided to speak.

"Hi Kevin, how are you?" "I'm amazing!" He said (loudly, I must add).

By now a few girls around me were glaring, probably because Kevin was voluntarily sitting with me and not them.

I looked around at them, giving them a questioning look, Kevin doing the same to me before looking behind him and waving at the girls that had been staring at me.
A few of them smiled back while the rest scoffed and looked away.

"Huh, they seem upset.. I wonder why. How could they be sad on such a beautiful day?!" He questioned while gesturing out the window next to us. I shrugged.

"Anyway, how are you, y/n?" He smiled at me once again.

"I'm good. Very bored... But okay." I gave him a half smile and took a sip of my almost cold coffee.

"Aw, boredom isn't fun! I'll tell you what, y/n," he said, reaching into his pocket for something, finally pulling out his cellphone.

"If you ever want to do something fun, or if you're ever bored-" he picked up my phone that was sitting next to me, opening up the contacts and adding his number and name. "Give me a text or a call, we can do something fun together! Okay?"

I nodded and put my number and name in his phone, watching him set mine back down and stand, coming next to me to give me a side hug before walking to the counter just as Jane had got his order ready. He paid her, took his drink, and walked out.

I watched him through the window as he walked down the street towards the radio station, opening the door and disappearing inside.

"Well, I guess today was a pretty good day.." I thought, finishing my coffee and walking out, walking towards my home.

 Later ☽  

As I sat on my bed thinking about today, my phone buzzed.

From: Kevin :)

It was nice meeting you today, y/n!~

I smiled.

Wowwy I might actually keep this going

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