Chapter 15: I'm sure you're part seer

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Brooke smiled cheekily at Ace as she took a bite of his chocolate bar. "So tell me, how long have you known my brother?" She gasped slightly. "How did you two meet?!" She then shook her head. "Just tell me the important information."

I smiled lightly, remembering how we met. "Well, that's a long story, but simply said, I need to thank him for getting me into the pack." Hunter snorted in response, giving me a 'don't-remind-me' face. "Well, I also found out he was an air nymph, so for me not to tell anyone, he decided to make sure I was around him at all times. The rest is a story for another time."

Brooke pouted. "Awe, you're not gonna tell me more? I'm curious!" Hunter gave her a 'shut-up' look. "Okay, fine, d'ya wanna go swimming? It'll be good for Hunty to rehydrate."

Before a Hunter could respond, I nodded. "Yes. We could both really go for a break." Brooke carefully got up, with the help of Ace, before smiling at us and doing a 'follow-me' motion with her hand.


"And then, River made Sunny and her twin, Sol, kiss their partner, which were Ivy and Woody, while creating something together with their elements. It was so cute! I mean, Woody and Sunny made a light catcher tree, and Woody popped the big question, and Sunny said yes to him, and-" Brooke squeaked slightly, clapping her hands softly. "-Oh, Hunty! Ace! We were invited! Willow, you are, by default, invited too!"

Although I was slightly confused, I just smiled and nodded. "So, how are you liking the pack, you know, now that you're back and experiencing it again for the first time in two years."

She waved her hand slightly with a smile still on. "Oh just wonderfully! You know, father told us that Hunty was going to be Alpha, and I thought that maybe Ace could help train him, right Ace?"

Ace hummed and nodded. "Well, we should head back. You know, with the pup and other things." Brooke pouted and whined. "We'll come visit soon after the pup's born."

Brooke sighed in defeat and gave us quick hugs, which was pretty awkward with her growing stomach in the way. "Bye Willow, Hunty!"

As soon as they left, I heard Hunter sigh out. "Gods, I forgot how energetic she gets." Chuckling, I got up and helped him up.

"Well, since I know you would like to return to studying, how 'bout I help you out? Any possible threats or things like that?"

Laying an arm around me, Hunter started guiding us back home. "Well, Alpha Jace's pack is being very tranquil, but Blake seems a bit... aggressive lately..."

"It'll be okay," I hummed slightly. "I know it. I feel it in my bones!"

He shook his head, a tiered smile gracing his features. "Of course you do. I'm sure you're part seer."

Winking at him teasingly, I smirked. "Maybe I am, only I know..."

"Shuddup." He chuckled, shaving me with his shoulders playfully. "I love ya."

"I love you too."



Sorry for the short chapters lately

I (personally) am losing the love for this story *hides from possible hate* B-but! That doesn't mean I wouldn't continue with this story later on, I might (after all someone had given me some great ideas and I kinda have an idea of where this will be going (story wise)), but I'd still really like some help with this, and maybe if I later on still am not into this I might have someone take over it. And if I do finish this, it might be free to revamp! If you're interested, just message me (I would hope you already know how to do that)

Anyways, I want y'all to be able to decide on the name and character Ace and Brooke's baby. Every comment next to a baby's name is a vote, so here are your choices:

-Dewy (or Dewey)


Until next time,
Love, hugs, and skittle guns,

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