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Kehlani POV

I woke up this morning in August arms. I turned around and stared at him while he was sleeping. I noticed he had a 'A' tattoo on his neck, I smiled and kissed him, waking him up. He opened his eyes and smiled

"How ya' sleep?" He asked

I held up two thumbs.

I don't like to talk in the morning before I brush my teeth

"Ya' can't speak?" He asked

I pointed to my mouth

"Oh, go ahead."

He let me go and I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked back out and August had one of his hands behind his head and the other one was flipping through channels with the remote

"Baby!" I squealed and jumped on his lap

He laughed and put his arms around my waist. I'm guessing he went and brushed his teeth to because he didn't have morning breath anymore

"Hey bebyeh." He said kissing my cheek "Go get ready, my nieces on the way." He added

I nodded and got up and so did he. He walked out and I walked to the bathroom and turned on the water. I grabbed my phone texting Rose back and played some music. I chose to listen to 'Good Ones Go' by Drake

A couple of minutes into the shower I heard singing that wasn't mine and sure wasn't Drake's. I stuck my head out the curtain and there was August singing and looking for something

"Don't you go getting married
Don't you go get engaged
I know you're getting older
Don't have no time to waste
I shouldn't be much longer
But you shouldn't have to wait
Can't loose you, can't have you
But I'm so sorry, I'm so selfish." He sung

He had a beautiful voice and I fell in love with it. He finally found what he wanted and it was some soap

I finished showering still hearing his voice replaying in my mind over and over

20 minutes later I was stepping out and me and my daddy favorite song was playing, 'I Wanna Know' by Joe. We danced to this at him and my mama's wedding

I wiped the few tears that fell and dried off. I put on my Tommy Hilfiger pantie and bra set and walked out. I looked through my bag and decided to  wear a badge colored fitted t shirt, my light colored cut up boyfriend jeans, and my nude Jimmy Choo heels. I walked to the bathroom and started on my hair

"Tell me what I gotta do to please you
Baby anything you say I'll do
Cause I only wanna make you happy
From the bottom of my heart is true
Tell me what I gotta do to please you
Baby anything you say I'll do
Cause I only wanna make you happy
From the bottom of my heart is true." I sung

"I wanna know what turns you on
So I can be all that and more
I like to know what makes you cry
So I can be the only one that makes you smile." August sung walking in smiling

He leaned down and kissed my cheek and sat on the bed watching me do my hair

"The guh's hea?" I asked

"Yeah, and Chris is to." He said

I nodded and finished curling my hair. I was about to do my make up but August grabbed the foundation out of my hand

"August!" I said

"No, you don't need to wear this shit." He said

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I grabbed my lip gloss and put some on

"Can I at least do my eyebrows?" I asked

"Yeah." He said

I did my eyebrows and put some mascara on and told him it was apart of it. Once I was satisfied with my look I stood up and looked at Aug

He had on a plain white t shirt, a Tru Religion jean jacket over it, Tru Religion jeans and his all black 12s

"We goin' somewhea'?" I asked unconneting my phone from the speaker

"Yeah, we 'bout to go ta' 'da mall, and it's cold outside so hea'." He said handing me my jacket

"Thanks." I said putting it on and putting my phone in the pocket

We walked downstairs holding hands and I walked over to Chris

"Hi bestfriend." I said as we hugged

"Hey." He said smiling as we let go

"This is my daughter Royalty." He said picking her up

"Hi cutie." I said smiling and touching her cheek

She giggled and brought her shoulder up to her cheek

"RoRo this is daddy friend Kehlani." He said

"Hi." She said smiling and waving

"I love the way you didn't wear make up." Chris said

"Boy hush." I said smiling

"So did you and August get together?" He asked

"Yes." I said smiling

"Chris!" Three little girls said running to him

"Hey." He said smiling and hugging them

"Kehlani, this Chay, Miya, and Kay." August said coming up and pointing them out

"Hi, it's nice ta' meet ya'." I said smiling

"Uncle Aug, she's pretty." Kay said "This my new bestfriend." She added and grabbed my leg

I giggled and looked at August

"And ha' name is Kehlani, she my guhfriend." He said

Miya and Chay smiled and waved and went back to playing with Ro

"Hold on now. You can't be stealing my bestfriend." Chris said to Kay

"She like me better than you!" She said

"No, she like me better." He said

"Who you like better Lani?" Kay asked

"I like you better sweetheart." I said smiling and picking her up

"Aha! I told you." Kay said sticking her tounge out at him

August let out a chuckle and I looked at him and he leaned down and kissed my cheek

"Y'all ready ta' go, cause a bitch need new shoes." Ziah said walking in

"Yeah." We all said

I put Kay down and she ran over to Chandra and her sisters

We all walked outside and got into separate cars. Chris and Ro got into Chris G-Wagon, Me and Aug and into my car, Chandra and her girls got into Chandra's Benz, and Aziah and a baby got into Aziah car

"Who is dat wit' Ziah?" I asked pulling out behind her with Chris following

"My other niece, Callie." He said

I smiled, she is gorgeous

"When ya' mama comin' home?" August asked

"Why? Ya' tryna get rid of me?" I joked

"Nah beybeh, I'm jus' askin'."

"She should be hea' tomorrow." I said and he nodded

Skip the mall

"Kay always copying somebody." Miya mumbled as we walked in the house

She got mad because Kay was about to get the Space Jam 11s but she put them back and got the Maroon 11s like Miya

"Shut up." Kay said rolling her eyes

"You shut up and stop being a copycat."

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