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Noel- This

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Noel- This. This Is What I Am, this is who I am, Come Hell Or High Water IF I DENY IT..... I deny everything I've ever done Everything I've Ever Fought For.

Rea- A Hero Can Be Anyone, even a man doing something as simple And Reassuring As Putting A Coat around a little boy's shoulders TO LET HIM KNOW That The World Hadn't Ended

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Rea- A Hero Can Be Anyone, even a man doing something as simple And Reassuring As Putting A Coat around a little boy's shoulders TO LET HIM KNOW That The World Hadn't Ended.

Blue- Life Is A Locomotion if your not moving Your Not Living, but there comes a time when you've got to stop running away from things And You've Got To Start Running Towards Something you've got to forge ahead KEEP MOVING even if your path isn't ...

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Blue- Life Is A Locomotion if your not moving Your Not Living, but there comes a time when you've got to stop running away from things And You've Got To Start Running Towards Something you've got to forge ahead KEEP MOVING even if your path isn't lit Trust That You'll Find Your Way.

Blue- Life Is A Locomotion if your not moving Your Not Living, but there comes a time when you've got to stop running away from things And You've Got To Start Running Towards Something you've got to forge ahead KEEP MOVING even if your path isn't ...

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Rea- Whenever Someone's Asked
What Power They Wish They Had
flying is always at the top of my list.

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