Chapter 6

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I sit on the hospital bed with Zayn arm wrapped around me. We were going to tell our parents the news. Safaa is sitting next to me, Waliyha and my mum are sitting on the end of the bed. Trisha is sitting in the arm chair next to the bed. 

“We have news.” I say excitedly. “I broke it the the guys so you can break it now.” I turn to Zayn and tell.

“Ok what’s the news?” Trisha asks.

“Perrie is... um, well, Perrie is pregnant.” Zayn sort of struggles to get out. I hear my mum gasp. Safaa and Waliyha hug me.

“Congratulations.” Trisha says hugging Zayn and then me.

My mum seems a little confused. “Wait you are joking?” She asks. I shake my head.

“Oh, my baby. Congratulations.” She hugs me.

“I know you guys will be great parents.” Waliyha says.

“Thanks, you will be a great auntie.” I reply. Safaa laughs.

“Well is was nice to see you Debbie. I’m glad your ok Perrie, but we should go.” Trisha says. Both Safaa and Waliyha complain.

“Can’t we stay a little longer.” Safaa beggs.

“Fine 1 more minutes then we have to go.” Trisha says.

A nurse comes through the door with a clipboard, followed by Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Anne.

“Perrie you will be able to leave soon we just need to do one more test.” The nurse explains. She turns off my monitor and unhooks it from my arm.

“Ok.” I reply.

“I just need to check your blood. So, just a small finger prick.” She says. She pricks my finger and collects the blood in a little tube.

“I’ll go run the sample then you are free to go.” She says then hurries off.

“Ok I’m gonna change now.” I say getting off the bed. I pick up a bag off the floor that the girls brought. I go into the bathroom and change.


Zayn’s POV 

I’m so happy. Perrie mum doesn’t hate me for getting her pregnant. My mum doesn’t hate me for getting Perrie pregnant. Perrie gets to go home today and I got to see my sisters. 

I see Perrie walk out of the bathroom wearing black high waisted shorts and a white singlet with a black peace sign on it. She looks beautiful.

“Well, I’ll go sign your release forms then I’m leaving. Bye Zayn. Love you Perrie.” Debbie announces the hugs Perrie.

“Bye mum.” Perrie says then Debbie leaves.

“Can I braid your hair?” Waliyha asks Perrie, with wide puppy dog eyes.

“Sure.” Perrie says excitedly. She sits down next to me on the bed and Waliyha starts to braid her hair. She holds my hand and I kiss her cheek.

“Eww. Get a room.” Jesy laughs.

“Well we have one. Your just in the same room.” Perrie says sarcastically. I even hear my mum laugh. Waliyha finishes Perrie’s hair. It is braided just like Katniss’ in the Hunger Games, it her side dutch braid. I take a picture so Perrie can see it. Once she sees the photo her mouth drops open. 

“You are really good at braiding Waliyha.” She says hugging her.

“Thank you. It’s a talent.” Waliyha says trying to sound really cool. I hear Safaa just laugh at her.

“Ok girls we should go now. Bye Perrie, Bye Zayn.” Trisha say getting up and heading to the door with Waliyha and Safaa in tow.

“Bye.” Perrie and I respond at the same time.

“Pezz, we have to perform next week.” Jade says showing Perrie a text.

“Damn. I though I had the week of.” Perrie says with a pout.

“It is only three shows and they will be done by the time you go and see Catching Fire with Zayn.” Leigh says. Perrie’s face immediately lights up. I rub her back to calm her down a little. When she gets to happy she kind of loses it.

“We are going now. See you tomorrow for the interview, Pezz.” Jesy says and Leigh follows her out the door. Jade is staying because she is Perrie and I’s ride home.

A nurse comes back through the door with a clipboard. “Miss Edwards you are free to go now.” She says then leaves the room.

I pick up Perrie’s bag off of the floor and We walk out hand in hand following Jade to her car.

We reach the front of the hospital to see about 10 paparazzi waiting with there cameras. There is no other way out so we have to go past them. They shout things at us like:

Perrie, why were you in hospital?

Zayn is Perrie pregnant? 

Jade, How is Sam?

We just push straight through them without any eye contact. We make it to Jade’s car and Perrie jumps in the back seat. I slide in next to her as Jade starts to drive off.

“So, Perrie. Are you gonna tell us where you were hiding because I couldn’t find you.” I ask curiously. I searched everywhere.

“Under Louis’ bed. I mean you were so close then you just gave up. That is when I got up from under the bed. I reach the door and then felt a lot of pain through my stomach, screamed you name and fell to the floor.” She laughs the first part but quietly says the last part.

“You mean when I was in the wardrobe you were under the bed? I didn’t even know you were there.” Jade asks Perrie.

“Yeah that is the point of hide and go seek. They have to find you and if you are quiet they won’t look in certain places.” She says to jade but directing the last part to me.

“Hey, I’m sorry. You’re a good hider.” I say putting my hands up in surrender. Jade pulls up in front of Perrie and I’s apartment. Thank god there is no paparazzi here. I get out of the car and hold the door open for Perrie.

“Bye Jade.” Perrie and I say at the same time.

“Bye guys.” Jade says then drives off.

Perrie and I walk hand in hand to the front door. I pull the key out of my pocket and unlock the door. “So what do you want to do?” I ask Perrie as we both sit on the couch.“I want to see what is happening in the celebrity world.” Perrie say turing the TV on to E! News. Funny! The headline is us.

Perrie Edwards and Zayn Malik caught walking out of the hospital. Jade Thirwall with them also. Does this link back to when we saw Perrie in the chemist. Is it possible the Perrie is Pregnant? Stay tuned for more news. Up next is Jelena back on?

 Holy Shit! “You know at the Interview tomorrow they will ask you right?” I say to a shocked Perrie sitting next to me. She nods her head.

“Ok well, you need to not say yes but also don’t say no. Just redirect the question.” I explain to her.

“Okay. I think I’ll just go to bed now.” She says. I watch her get off the couch and walk to our room.



Next chapter is skipped straight to the interviews. Very awkward convo in the hospital. I have a lot of convo's in hospital rooms but I don't know the kind of thing they would say to each other. xx

Erin xx

P.S If you are wondering why I said I have a lot of convo in hospital rooms. It is because my 6 year old brother has Leukemia (Blood Cancer). xx 

(Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) If anyone was wondering what type.

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