Chapter 1; A break in

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The music was so loud and people everywhere, making out and dancing like this was their last party. Pathetic. I mean I like going to parties and everything but I don't go that often, I was getting dragged by Eva. Besides I was the only one that could look out for her, with her drinking and everything. "Come on relax! Lydia get something to drink!" Eva shouted. I actually heard that, weird. "No I'll think I'll stay sober tonight!" I yelled. "WHAT?" Eva yelled. For fuck sake, I had to drag her somewhere quiet. As I was about to drag her to the bathroom her tongue was deep down someone's throat and I couldn't take it anymore. "Fuck this" I said even though no one would hear me.

I went into the bathroom and washed my hands, I don't know why but I felt like I had to. I looked at myself in the mirror my chestnut brown hair curled And my brown eyes with a lot of mascara and eyeliner, Eva wasn't the best at doing makeup but I let her, she insisted. "Are you okey?" A male voice said. I looked to my left and there was a tall light blonde haired guy with blue eyes, classic. "Uhm ya I'm fine" I said "do you want to get out of here?" He said "what?" I said. A guy I don't know asked me to get out of here? Is he going to kill me? Or was it for sex? "Uhm I I" I said trying to form words, to be honest I was a little scared cat I never lived on the edge. "You don't look like you go to these types of party" he said and smiled. He was right, I hardly go to parties. "Or I could take you home?" He said. You know what? fuck it "yes that would be great" I knew this was a bad idea. "Great" he said

I made him stop the car down the road so I could walk the rest. "Are you sure you wanna stop here?" He asked "yes this is it, thanks" I said. There was no way I was telling him where I lived, no way in hell. "Okey I guess I'll see you later" he said "ya" I said and gave him a fake warm smile.

A part of me felt worried for Eva, I just left her but she always goes to these types of parties she'll be fine. If I would've stayed any longer I would've thrown up or something. She'll forgive me, hopefully.

I got inside mom was on the computer and dad was on a business trip and Leila was probably sleeping. I went upstairs, I could pass out any second but fuck I had to take off my make up first ugh. I took my make up off and washed my face and got into my pajamas, when I say pajamas I mean sport shorts and a hoodie.

I got out of the bathroom and made my way to my bed and went on my phone. I sat down and scrolled threw Instagram. Then all of the sudden I heard the window make some noise, it was someone opening it. "What the fuck!" I said and stood up. I stood there frozen as someone was climbing inside my window. It was a guy? He climbed inside my bedroom and closed the window he put his finger up to his lip giving me the signal to stay quiet.

I heard some guys yelling outside the window "where the fuck did he go!" Some guy yelled. "Look around the neighborhood, he couldn't get away to far!" Another guy yelled. "What are y-" I tried to say "shh!" He said, the tall brown haired guy with a gray hoodie and a black jacket over and brown eyes. I stayed quiet for a minute then I thought, why was I listening to what he is saying? It's my house! And technically he his breaking in.

"You know what no! You can't just break in here he think that I'll just do what you say!" I said. He laughed a bit and smirked "wow feisty" he teased. I rolled my eyes. He opened the window and was about to leave, I had to ask or say something! "Who even are you?" I asked. "It doesn't Matter it's not like I'll see you again" he said. And just like that he left. Who the fuck was that? This mysterious nameless face why was someone following him?.

"I am sorry okey!" I said pleadingly to Eva "it's fine seriously! I don't care besides I meet a great guy" she said blushing. "Eva did those words actually come from you're mouth?!" I said, I loved Eva but she was the biggest fuck girl in school.

"Who! You have to tell me!" I said. We were sitting in class 3 minutes before it started. "Okey but don't laugh!" She said smiling and blushing. "It's....Chris" I gasped.

Chris Schistad! One of the biggest nerds in school! How did Eva know about him. "What? How!?" I asked flabbergasted. "Well I kinda meet him at the party and saved me from a pervert! He was so nice and took care of me...a guy has never done that for me" Eva said. 

Wow I was really happy for her but Chris? Who would've known! "Class! CLASS!" The teacher said trying to get attention. "Okey everybody shut up!!" She yelled. Everyone was shocked, crazy lady. "Class this is" she said, I looked up and there he was. The face finally had a name, Thomas. The guy who broke into my bedroom, I was shocked. He made eye contact with me, he remembers me. "Thomas, please take a seat" the teacher said. He sat down in the row next to me three seats behind.

It had been 20 minutes since class started, we were all taking notes. But I couldn't ignore the feeling that someone was staring at me. I looked back and it was him, Thomas. Staring at me, he could clearly see that I have noticed him but still he didn't stop staring at me!? I tried to ignore it and focus back on the notes and talk to Eva.

Who is this Thomas?
And what's going to happen between Chris and Eva?
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Sry I cant spell check rn my dad is in the hospital and I just can't I hope you understand ❤️❤️

 The Lone wolf // Thomas Hayes Where stories live. Discover now