Chapter 2

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I sat down and leaned my back against the counter sink. I slit the knife into my arm deeper as the blood gushed out and down my arm. The pain I've been though hurts more then me actually cutting. I feel useless, horrible, and terrified. I want to leave this world. When no one is around. Ill come up with a plan eventually.

Ive been doing this for about an hour now. I slowly stand up and wash the blood off the knife so no one else finds out. Especially my parents. I already have a bad enough relationship with them. I feel like slowly everyday im falling down a gapping hole in the ground and its getting darker, and darker as i go down. No way back up, and no one to be there for me. Im lucky enough that i have one friend, but shes going away on vacation. I heard a big bang on the door. Frig. Its dad.

"OPEN UP!" He demanded. I unlocked the door and peeked threw the crack. He had his belt clutched in his fist, with a demon soul threw his eyes. Staring at me.


"Shh.. shes just waking up!" A man whispered over me. I widened my eyes. "Will she be alright?" My mother sincerely asked the doctor. Eghh she makes me sick. Wait. DOCTOR! I stare at him waiting for an answer. Ugh i hope i die. "Shes fine but she'll have scars for the rest of her life on her face, but soon u will hardly see them. And that bruse will go away in a month hopefully.

"Oh thats to bad!" My dad crossed his arms. "Whats going on.?" I said, with a shaky voice. "Awww! Honey are you alright?!" She gave a kiss on the cheek. WHAT.? My, mom.?? Umm this is a dream. "so you guys adopted Hannah yes?" The doctor asked a few questions about me to my parents. They asked if I'm adopted. Yes I'm adopted they aren't my real parents. They asked what my health card number was. And for our house phone number. "Final question. What happened to Hannah to be in this condition?" My father and mothers faces went blank. "S-S-she ran into a pole.." My mom said. "Are you sure maam? Because she obviously didn't run into something. She got bunched according to the bruse she has on her face." "U-U-Umm.. S-She g-got beat up at school i meant to say.." The doctor glared at them. Wow. I CAN believe they lied. There both trying to cover my dads butt for beating me to death last night. Idiot. "Alright then. Thank you for answering those questions." I need a bucket. "But also. The bone inside her arm is brused pretty bad and we would like to take a look at it. But she'll have to stay over night" "sure! Thats great!" My dad added. "I mean. Thank you.."


"HANNAH!" Emily cried over me. "WHAT HAPPENED?" She yelled. One of the nurses widened her eyes waiting for an answer from me. "I-I got pushed.." The nurse finally left and shoke her head. "Really..?" Emily's voice lowered. She knew i was lying. She knows my parents are abusive and lie about anything to cover themselves.

"No.. My dad beat me again. He saw the knife in the sink and beat me even harder this time. She looks at my arm.

"CRAP! HANNAH!?" "D-Did the doctor see your arm yet?.." Oh shiz. My ARM! Everyone will know i cut myself if they saw my arm! Im doomed. Especially, they will call my parents and they will probably kill me themselves! They wont care if the doctor tells me to stay home though. They will make me go to school. Im a wreck! "IM DIED!" My voice cracked. I covered my mouth. "Listen don't worry about me.. Aren't u supposed to be on a cruise right now?!"

I yelled at her. "Urmm. Yess. Buutt i told my mom that i had to stay with you after what happened. She said that we can stay at my place for two weeks so you don't have to deal with your parents. Trust me i didn't tell her what happened i told her something completely different!" Omg. Finally some freedom.

Sorry guys you guys are probably waiting for the "Harry Styles"? Eh?

Well, yes i am to. He'll come up in the next chapter. I'll update soon! Thank you! Remember to....


No hateee✌️

DianaWhere stories live. Discover now