Angel in the rainbow polo

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A/N: Im sure some of you might have read like a chapter of my other story you only made me stronger. Well

i look at that as a failed first attempt and plan on making an even better story this tim comment and tell me what you think.


It's saturday and once again i have no plans other than to set around and get fat off of flaming hot cheetos and think of more creative ways to eat nutella because quiet frankly im tired of using both spoons and my fingers. Yea you see the extent of my weekend how fun it is.

Sometimes being a sophmore is just as boring as being a freshman, or i just never get invited out because i'm gay, I know you are thinking what does that have to do with anything?

Well I will explain that, I go to a christian acadamy. I guess since they are already commiting a sin by drinking and having sex before marriage  they don't want to hit the tri-fecta of being around a gay.

Truly i don't mind i stay the same no matter who I am around I don't like the fact that when these "christian" ,kids excuse my slang, act all good in front of faculty and their parents knowing that the vary smile they put on their face is a lie. I came out so that i was free from carrying the burden of a lie that's what got me sent to a religious school.

" Emmitt come downstairs someones at the door."

Man right when i was getting to another bag of cheetos and a good episode of naruto.

I made my way downstairs i made my way downstairs in my nighties it was 7 in the morning i was not about to change.

I got downstairs only to discover that my mom  got impatient and answered the door herself, and standing in my hallway  was the most beautiful human being i ever laid eyes on.

He was like and angel scratch that he was an angel. An angel wearing a rainbow polo and and black skinnies.

Oh yea his mother was there too she was pretty, but i could tell he did not get his looks from her he was on a whole nother level.

I knew from that day shit was about to pop off and things were never going to be the same.

Angel in the rainbow poloWhere stories live. Discover now