Okay. Disclaimer: We are not trying to offend anyone with the accents! We tried our best to replicate the Irish and Germanic accents to give our characters something unique. Please don't take offense! Also: We used Google translate for the languages, so please don't start a rampage on the incorrect grammar for a foreign language.
The woman clung to her child, burying her face in the silky red hair they both loved so much. She could not cry now; her child needed her.
"Mama," the child began, her forest green eyes wide with worry. "It's only for a few months, isn't it? I'll be home soon." The mother chuckled drily, pulling away. She hid her tears under a crooked smile. She hated the fact that the High Council had given her such a terrible ultimatum. Send her child away in order to protect her and her cousin from the witch hunters, or don't and risk her precious baby being discovered. It was heartless, any mother would agree, but she knew her late husband's sister would be too stubborn to send her daughter Elvira to live with them.
"Aye, wee sapling. Ye shall be home soon. But I just wanted to let ye know I'm still here. I'll be right here waiting for ye. Now, take care of yerself and yer cousin, and don't be getting into trouble, or I'll find ye and there'll be hell to pay, ye hear?" The child giggled, smiling at her mother.
"Okay Mama. I'll be good. I'll be yer perfect little angel, and be so good no one will know my secret." The mother smiled at her beautiful child.
"Never forget I love ye, my precious Willow. Now, I've got ye one last thing." The mother took her child's hand and led her to a spot where a litter of kittens were playing in the sun while their mother watched. Willow's eyes widened in awe as she gasped with delight. "Now, I've been keeping an eye on these little scraps of fur since they were born, and they're ready to leave their mam. Ye're responsible enough to take care of one, so ye should take one with you. A little gift to share with yer cousin. Go on then." The excited child watched the playful kittens for a while before a yellowish gold one with sparkling emerald eyes strolled leisurely over to her. Willow scooped him up, her arms fitting around his body perfectly. The mother smiled.
"This one Mama!" Willow giggled, holding the little tomcat close. "He's got fur like stardust!" Tears pricked at the mother's eyes as she knelt and pulled her baby close, pressing a kiss to the top of her fiery red hair.
"Then that'll be his name. Stardust. Fitting name for a cat." The kitten purred so hard one could hear it buzz through the air. With the mother's body acting as a shield, no one could see Willow look down at Stardust, their matching green eyes meeting, and seeming to glow for a few moments. Neither child nor cat was sure what had happened, but the mother was absolutely certain. Every witch-born needs a familiar, after all.
The crew of the ship had taken to calling Stardust 'Lucky', seeing as no cat had ever survived a sea voyage from Ireland to America on their boat. But not only did Stardust survive, but he nearly hunted the ship's rat population to extinction, and did a stellar job of protecting Willow while he was at it. Everyone had learned to fear the wily golden tomcat, and Willow was always quick to remind them to never forget that stars are made of fire, something her mother always told her.
The ship's crew wasn't too choked up to see the little girl go, only mildly disappointed that her rat hunting cat was leaving with her.
Willow, on the other hand, was terrified. Here she was in a new country all alone with nothing but a cat for company. She had made sure to place her hat atop her head, the blue complimenting her hair and the mesh veil obscuring her vibrantly green eyes. Such an interesting hat was odd to see on a child wearing simple peasant's garb and holding a rather small golden cat. But no one would dare comment, seeing as the hat could be a symbol of great status.
It did not take long for Willow to get lost. She had encountered multiple frightening men, all of which were at least thrice her size and often more, who hadn't managed to lay a hand on her due to her ferocious cat, but they had managed to relieve her of almost everything she had, including her hat. She kept her head low, remembering her mother's warning against revealing her eyes in public. Suddenly, she heard the feline growl and hiss at something in front of her.
She stopped, casting her gaze upwards to the threat.
It was a girl around her age, wearing typical clothing that she had seen other American's wear. Her platinum blonde hair went to her tailbone and her small frame was illuminated by the light, giving her an ethereal effect. She was clutching a disturbing toy rabbit; it was covered in stitches, part of its ear torn away and stuffing showing through the stitches. Several threads made 'x's over its eyes and made it a mouth, adding to its horror. Willow gulped, taking a step back from the creepy girl.
"Hi..." She said, her accent coming out thick.
The girl turned around slowly, her eyes closed as she hugged the rabbit to her chest. She opened them slowly, revealing a bright green that swirled in her irises. Staring upon the redhead, she offered no emotion. Just a blank face.
She tilted her head slightly. "Are you lost?" She asked, her voice hinting at her own kind of accent. Willow pondered it for not more than a second before placing it as germanic origin.
"Y-yes..." She admitted. Stardust had not let his guard down, however. His haunches were up in attack mode.
"Ah," the girl said, her voice seemingly echoed around them. "Although my family is expecting one, it vouldn't hurt to give shelter to one in need. Vould you like lodging for the night?" Willow pondered this.
Go with creepy girl, or stay unsheltered and possibly face worse?
Her mind was made. "Alright." She agreed, picking up the golden cat for comfort. The blonde girl smiled, turned on her heel, and began to walk down the road. Willow scrambled to keep up.
"Yer eyes are green," she commented. The girl spared her a glance before looking ahead again.
"As are yours."
"But I thought I was the only one to have green eyes!" Willow exclaimed as they turned down yet another alley. The unforgiving feeling of each road gave her unease.
"Things are not as they seem," she responded. They turned down another road, this one leading to larger houses.
"Why are we going into this place? I'm not allowed in places like this," she said.
The girl offered no response. She turned to a large gate and slipped through the bars. Willow hesitated, shocked at the girl's audacity before following suit. When they arrived at the door, an older looking man appeared, his face lined with worry.
"Lady Elvira," he addressed the girl. "We have been looking for you! I understand that you are looking forward to seeing our guest but please refrain from--" It was then he noticed the red haired girl with her. He gave her a curious glance.
"And who may this be, ma'am?"
She began to walk past him, pulling Willow along. "A friend." Was all she offered. They made it down the hallway before two adults came running at them, enveloping Elvira in a hug.
"Elvira! We were so worried! We know that our guest was late but don't go looking for her!" They scolded. Then, the woman with brown hair turned to Willow. A sad smile danced on her lips as her eyes seemed to rain in remembrance.
"You look like him..." Willow's eyes widened and she attempted to make herself smaller at the sad look on the woman's face.
"W-who, miss?" She squeaked, trying not to meet the woman's eyes. The woman knelt, still smiling.
"Why, my brother, of course."
Cost of Witchcraft
FantasyThis is Diana's and I's work alone (well, besides the help of a few friends). We will not tolerate plagiarizing. We will find you, and we will report you. This contains violence and cussing, and possibly gore. Nothing sexual. Summary 1: A German p...