Chapter 4: A Magic Spell

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Ekubar sat right next to Rehenna on the wagon, making sure to keep her close. She didn't seem to have the same sense of caution as he did, but she stayed silent. Just in case, his hand was never far away from his daggers.

It was silent for quite a long time, until Gabriel decided to break it, "So... are you two a thing?'

Ray turned from where she sat right next to Gabriel in order to face them, "Oh, that's a question that has been on my mind too."

Rehenna tilted her head, her brows furrowing in confusion, "I do not understand. What is a 'thing'?"

Grinning, Ekubar leaned in closer to her and held a strand of her midnight hair softly, "They're asking if we're a couple, my dear."

She made no reaction, and instead gently pushed his hand away, "I'm very sorry to disappoint, but we most certainly are not."

As if he was betrayed, Ekubar placed his hand upon his heart and gasped, "After all we've been through... after all I've done, you do not think of me as nothing more than a friend?!"

Ray laughed from her spot and focused on the toad, "Both of you are so entertaining. Tell me, what is your past?"

Ekubar raised a brow, "Curious, are we?"

"Just thought that we should get to know each other, that's all."

"As beautiful as you are, witch, there are just some things we need to keep private from strangers." Eku faced Rehenna, closing his eyes with a smile, "Isn't that right, Rehenna?"

Rehenna was not listening. She was too absorbed into focusing her other senses into feeling her surroundings. The sound of the tree's leaves dancing along with the wind, the whistle of a breeze passing by, all of the bird's singing, the wheels of the wagon over the ground, and so much more.

Gabriel held the reigns of the horse, and tapped his foot, "Rehenna seems too long. Can I just call you Rea?"

At the sound of the name, something inside of Eku swirled uncomfortably, as if begging him to come to his senses. Why? Rea... it sounded familiar to him, so familiar that it made him frown. From where did that name come from? It was nagging somewhere at the back of his mind, as if he already knew the answer to the question.

He ignored what he was feeling, and put on a fake smile, "Is the name Rehenna too hard for your little brain to remember?"

"You know, you can at least try to be nice... you and Cronus sound exactly the same." Gabriel grumbled.

After that conversation, the whole ride was spent in silence. No one said a word to each other, and it was very uncomfortable for the other party. Rehenna and Ekubar were quite fine with the silence.

Rehenna breathed in slowly, just a little longer. All she had to do was wait, and soon she will be able to see Jui again.

"Look! It's the town." Ray yelled, pointing at the wooden gates. It was still some ways off.

Rehenna shivered right next to Ekubar. Halfway through their journey, it had started snowing. The first snow after Autumn. Was it early? She wouldn't know, after all, she had no calendar with her. It was too cold for comfort.

"Hold on..." Ekubar held her close, trying to share each other's body heat. "Close your eyes." At her nod, he leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. His arms were circled around her body, and he rested his forehead against hers.

Rehenna felt Ekubar's power flow through with warmth, making her sigh in relief. The power lingered around before it became one with her own. Soon, the heat disappeared once again.

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