Before you read; Yes, this involves genderbends. So, no complaining.
Credits So Far: Still a work in progress. Portal belongs to Valve. Kagamine Rin and Len belong to Crypton.
“Come on, son, quite screwing around. We don't have a lot of time, you're going to make me late for work.”
“I can't find my application. Do you have it, Whitney?”
“No, I don't have it. Have you checked in your room, Wheatley? By your computer?”
“In your bed?”
“.. Yup.”
“How about, oh, I don't know, in your pocket?” Whitney pointed to Wheatley's back pocket, and a packet of paper was sticking out of it. The man with a ginger colored comb-over, light blue eyes, and a thick British accent looked behind him in his back pocket, and pulled out the application. He waved it at his father. His father, a man with messy brown hair and mismatched eyes, grabbed his car keys off the counter they were standing around, and called to Wheatley's twin, Whitney to lock the door and turn out the lights a she exited, throwing her the house key he detached from the keychain with the car key on it. The short ginger haired woman, who's cheeks were covered in freckles, ran into the other room to pick up something, while Wheatley and their father walked out the door, leaving it open just a tad for Whitney.
Wheatley walked over to the front passenger seat of the car and waited for his father to unlock it. He pulled at the handle anyway, hoping that he could magically make it open. The car was unlocked, and he threw the door open. On accident, he always proclaims. Truth is, he likes to be on time.
A lot.
Whitney ran out of the house, locking the door hurriedly. She was no different than her brother when it came to things like this. She quickly threw the house key back to her father, and jumped in the back seat of the car. She clicked in her seat belt, and Wheatley did the same as their father pulled out of the driveway. He looked out the window to say good-bye to the house he spent his whole life in, and propped his head up on his hands, setting his elbow recklessly on the inner door, smushing it against the window of the car.
“We're not ever coming back. Are we?” He asked quietly to his father. He stopped and ran a hand through his thick messy hair and sighed.
“Probably not. That's why I kept you guys from school the last few weeks.” He responded, sounding troubled.
Wheatley just shrugged. “ That's why you told the college I was sick. It's not like anybody would have noticed our absence. It's not hard to miss us. Me, at the least.” Whitney sat in the back seat with headphones plugged in. She at least deserved a little bit of real world before she was plunged into whatever their father was going to put them through, right?
Yeah. Why not. She heard every word, though. She was the smartest of the twins, and was in the same college classes as Wheatley. She had the highest grades, she even had a few close friends she had invited over some times The twins lived close enough to live with their father instead of a dorm room; Wheatley probably wouldn't fare so well with a dorm room. Wheatley wasn't like her. He struggled in just about everything. Reading was his best subject, Wheatley loved to read. He had finished the entire Harry Potter series in about four or five days. That was part of the reason he had glasses. When he was a child, he would stay up past midnight reading in the dark.
He never told his father, though. It was he and Whitney's little secret. And never once had their father caught on to anything.